"I just want him to call back. I need to understand why he's acting this way", she cried."Maybe there's a good reason behind it all."

"Okay, I know you love him, Rach...but there's no excuse for the whole thing with Laine. None." Her word seemed pretty final."I mean, maybe if she was a little older and-"

"I know, Quinn. I'm not defending him for that. Trust me. It's just...him leaving...there has to be more to it then what he said. It can't just be the money, there's no way."

"Why do you think that?"

"I know him better than that. For the longest time, he was pushing this whole, bad ass attitude towards everything. I think I knew he changed a little, but that's not always him. He's got a soft side. Why can't he just admit it, and bring it out more often?"

"He's one of those guys, baby. The kind of guy that holds a lot of pride towards his gender." Quinn wasn't a man hater, not by any means. However, she thought she knew men like Puck. She thought she knew them all too well, so was always more then happy to peg them out.

"So, that gives him the right to be a dick for no reason sometimes?"

"I guess, I don't really know him that well. It's just my opinion, baby. It's just what I see when I look at him, and hear him talk the way he talks."

"Honestly, if he would just answer his fucking phone, and talk to me...I'd give him a chance to explain himself. I really would", she sniffled.

"I know you would, but he probably doesn't think that. I mean, were you nice and calm in any of the voice mails that you left?"

Not a word.

"Yeah, I didn't think so."

"I'm such a bitch", she cried.

"No, you're just upset, and frustrated, and why shouldn't you be? It's alright, you're not a bitch. Even if you were, I wouldn't care, because you'd still be all mine."

"Oh, I'm you're bitch", laughed Rachel, a little.

"Yes, you are. My little bitch, Rachel Berry."

The two of them laughed. Quinn smiled sadly, before kissing Rachel softly on the forehead."Let's take a nap."

"Don't you have to get back to work?"

"I do, but I have some time. I wanna' spend it with you."

Rachel smiled."Sounds good to me. You can be my Quinny bear, I think my Teddy needs a break."

The two of them cuddled into each other, Quinn still wondering what else was bothering her girlfriend. She decided not to question it right away. There was already too much going on. An hour later, Quinn had left a sleeping Rachel in her bed, and snuck out of the room. She said her goodbyes to people, and left. She was halfway to her car in the parking garage, when she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Somebody was trying to make a break for the elevator before the doors closed.

"Hey", she shouted, authority in her tone."Don't you even think about it!"

Whoever it was, stopped, and turned around. Quinn couldn't see the face, but she knew it was a man. He started walking towards her.

"Don't mess with me ass hole, I will knock you out!"

"Chill out", he said, as he emerged from the shadows."It's me. Lauren took my fucking access cards when I quit."

"Puck...Jesus! You scared the Hell out of me, what are you doing sneaking around down here?"

"I...I have no fucking clue", he said. He sounded tired.

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