Chapter 19

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Tired didn't do her mood justice. Rachel was exhausted. She felt sick, and warn out, and just wanted to go home. She had been sitting in a downtown police precinct, for the better part of two hours, and was tired of being ignored. All she could hear was phones ringing, people talking, some yelling. Angry words and actions of random people being brought in. It was just noise. Noise that had become rather unbearable in the last two hours. She looked at the female detective, sitting across from her. She wasn't even paying attention to the tiny woman. She was looking down at her desk, looking back and forth from one document to another, and writing things down."How can you stand this?"

"Excuse me", asked the detective.

"This...clusterfuck of noise, and can you work in a place like this?"

The woman just laughed."You get used to it after six years."

"That's how long you've been a cop?"

"Yeah, just about. Seems more like ten years, but who's counting...". She hadn't even looked up from what she was doing. Rachel had already decided to hate the woman. She had gone out of her way to take Rachel in, and seemed pretty adamant about it."I'm honestly sorry you've been stuck here for so long. I'm just trying to by you some time."

"What do you mean?"

"The captain is Hell bent on your charges, and I both know that there is no real reason for you to be here right now. The longer I make it look like I'm questioning you, the more my boss has to deal with...and the less he'll care about a stupid little charge like this one."

Decision to hate her revoked.

"Oh...well, thank you", said Rachel."What is my charge exactly?"

"What charge?"

"Well...the one-"

"What charge", she asked again, harshly. Making eye contact for a few seconds. Rachel nodded, and smiled.

"Okay, I get it."

The woman winked at Rachel, as she went back to paper work. Rachel felt a bit more comfortable, so she sat back in her chair, and sighed. She let her mind wander back to the day before.


Rachel had been sitting in her room. She had just showered, and gotten dressed. She was sitting on her couch, holding her phone. She looked at it, and shook her head. Not one call, voice mail, or text back from Puck. She wasn't having it. She poked the screen a few times, and put her phone to her ear. It rang twice before going right to his voice mail.

"Yo, it's Puckerman. If you got something to say, leave it at the beep."

Rachel rolled her eyes. She'd heard that greeting a bunch that day, and was prepared to leave what had felt like the tenth voice mail. It had been three days since she'd taken Laine away from him. He needed to get over it. She waited for the beep, and wasted no time.

"You know what? I'm fucking tired of you avoiding me, so this is the last damn voice mail I'm leaving for you, Noah! I get it. You're pissed because none of us wanted to back you up on your knew career as a drug dealer, but fuck you! We have good reasons for that, and you know it! Yeah, I took your little mule away from you, but that was three fucking days ago, so get over it! She's not your little pet anymore! I fucking love you, but your behavior is disgusting to me! You blew Santana off, and you put a little girl and yourself in danger! I didn't wanna' believe that was you, but what the Hell else am I supposed to think given that you haven't talked to me in weeks, or bothered to apologize to San! Honestly, if this is what it is now, and you're gonna' be this shady little coward, I don't wanna' know you! I'll leave you be! Clearly, that's what you want, so you know what? You're wish is my damn command! Have a nice life!"

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