8. Falling (literally)

Start from the beginning

"This. Is. Incredible!" I shout over the din to Thranduil, who is standing right at the very edge of the rock. I cannot even fathom how the rock supports his weight but he is watching me with the widest grin that makes me blush.

"This is only the beginning Clara, and you are already awestruck!" He laughs and outstretches his hand towards me.

I hesitantly look at his hand and around at the massive natural structure, the rocks jut away and there are no steps or stairs, I can't do this! Is he mad? You would need safety harnesses to scale this thing. Yet I find myself taking his hand and fully trusting him not to let me plummet to my doom, I am insane! This is hands down the craziest thing I have ever done! Thranduil smirks at me and I guess he sees the panic in my face.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask timidly as he pulls me closer to him and takes a firmer grip of my waist, his touch making my heart rate accelerate and I swallow hard.

"Upwards, there is a ledge a few feet up and across from here, it is perfect for watching the sunrise and truly seeing the splendour of Greenwood," he speaks as he swivels me in the direction we intend to go. I feel his lips come level with my ear and his voice is soft and encouraging; "It is alright I have you Clara. You will not fall; this is as easy as breathing I promise."

"Sure it is!" I scoff but he only chuckles and pushes me forward, and not even gently. I guess he knows the only way he will get me to move is to force me.

Though as I step out onto the rocks and let my feet find their place, I realise that my every step seems more secure. If I feel off balanced in the slightest my body corrects itself almost instinctually. It doesn't need to be forced or told to do this it just does what it was made to do. It also helps that Thranduil never lets go, his hands are sure and his feet never misstep, at times he stays behind me or at others he steps in front of me and guides me. It is not until I see the grassy covered ledge about ten feet in front of me that I start moving a little faster across the narrow rocks. I realise there is nothing to stop me toppling down the twenty feet sheer drop but Thranduil's strong grip but I trusted him this far. When I reach the flat landing I turn to smile triumphantly at the Prince, but I am shocked to find him standing only halfways across the narrow path, smiling proudly at me;

"See, it is not so hard," he grins as he lops across the distance between us and gives me a meaningful look; "The fear is in your own head Clara, you are elf kind this is normal for you, you just need to let your body remember."

"You tricked me!" I accuse as he settles himself down on the ground and stares out at the view.

"Correction, I helped you," he replies with a smirk. "Now stop talking and enjoy this sunrise with me."

I sigh and huffily drop down beside him, that was completely uncalled for; he could have let me know he was going to do that! What happens if I had of fallen, I bet he wouldn't be so smug then! A small and more logical voice reminds me I would not have fallen, firstly because Thranduil would never be that careless and secondly because Thranduil was right - oh damn that voice I don't want him to be right! There is no living with him when he thinks he is right!

"Clara stop thinking it is very distracting," he mutters and watches me out the side of his eye, a coy smile playing on his lips.

"Well excuse me for-"

"Hush, you must listen!"

I glare at him but do as I'm told and when I do I hear the glorious sounds of the awakening forest. The birds that have been singing so beautifully suddenly reach their deafening crescendo, as the sky turns vibrant pink and gold with the hazy yellow sun slowly peeking through the gaps in the tall firs, which are even taller than the ledge we sit on. My jaw drops and I slowly stand to my feet, this is not something you just sit by and leisurely watch, this is something you stand for. You stand in the presence of creation and the powerful majesty of nature, it deserves such respect. The songs of the many birds are incredible, so much more perfect than any sound you could make on an instrument. Yet there is something else on the air, a new sound - breathy and like nothing I have ever heard before - a strange new frequency.

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