Truth or Dare: How'd You All Get In?

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Takumi: Truth or Dare?

Misaki: Truth.

Takumi: Why do you always choose truth?

Misaki: Because I am scared that you will dare me to do something stupid.

Takumi: But truths are just as bad. I could ask you something really personal and then you would be obligated to tell me the truth.

Misaki: Then I motion that we stop playing this game.

Misaki and Takumi are sitting on her bedroom floor playing an interesting game of Truth or Dare. As they sit cross-legged facing each other, Suzuna walks in.

Suzuna: What are you guys doing?

Misaki: We are playing Truth or Dare.

Suzuna: Cool, can I play?

Misaki: Of course! Suzuna, Truth or Dare?

Suzuna: *thinking* Dare.

Takumi: *smirks* At least she's adventurous.

Misaki: Shut up! I dare you to jump up and down on the spot five times and then sit back down.

Takumi: Nice Misa-chan~ You rock at this.

Suzuna stands and jumps five times in her spot softly before sitting back down with her legs tucked under her thighs.

Misaki: Well it's not as if we can do anything better.

Aoi joins the group.

Aoi: What are you guys doing?

Takumi: Truth or Dare.

Misaki: How did you get in here?

Aoi: Cool, I'm playing too. Who's turn is it?

Suzuna: Aoi, Truth or Dare?

Aoi: Dare.

Takumi looks at Misaki with raised brows.

Misaki: Well if he wants to be embarrassed then that's his problem.

Suzuna: I Dare you to take off your wig.

Aoi: WHAT?! That's diabolical. *Takes off wig and is left with his normal, short hair and white and yellow, frilly dress.*

Hinata: Hey guys!

Misaki: How did you get in?!

Hinata: I see you're plying Truth or Dare. Can I play too???

Takumi: *growls at him like a dog*

Hinata: *growls back*

Misaki: What is wrong with you two?!

Aoi: Misaki, Truth or Dare?

Takumi glances at Misaki expectantly.

Misaki: *le sighs* Fine. Dare.

Aoi: *smirks devilishly* I dare you to full on pash Takumi. (A/N: For those of you who may not know, pashing is another term for snogging, making out or the classic French kissing. ;)

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