Living Like Bluebells

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I live in a wood full of bluebells
The wind in my hair all day long
The trickling stream at my footsteps
In my heart, the bluebirds sweet song

I ran here when I needed comfort
When fate had me pinned to the wall
And no one I knew tried to help me
I had nothing, nothing at all

The others at school kick and claw me
And call me rude names foul and vile
I thought if I hid they would stop it
If not always, just a small while

But the hiding didn't ease the torture
The other kids found me again
So I wrote out my feelings in poem
Using my blood as a pen

I scratched in my skin with a razor
And cut at my wrists with a knife
I snipped at my body with scissors
And bled on my bed sheets at night

Eventually I started dying
My blood not enough for my heart
Society mourned me with heartache
Yet none one tried to stop me part

I'm now in a wood full of bluebells
With others who suffered the same
I thought if I told you about it
It would help my eternal pain

Society makes you feel unloved
But cries when you cut your own skin
They say that you're worthless & ugly
But killing yourself is a sin

My bluebell filled wood is forgiving
The souls here are loving and kind
I wish living life was like bluebells
Bright, beautiful, blind

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