Chapter 2

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Percy POV

I found myself on Charon's ferry the next time I woke up.

"You're back, eh? Do you still have dyslexia demigod?" he asks me.

I squinted at some of the signs from the lines to reach death and surprisingly I could read them clearly. They read EZ Death, Judgment, and Rebirth.

"I don't actually, thanks for asking," I replied cheekily.

I couldn't wait for when it was my time for judgment. Surely after all I've done I have reached Elysium, right? Wrong. Apparently even Uncle Hades has forgotten me, even though I helped earn him his respect back. Family is forever though, and mine is immortal. I sat in the Fields of Asphodel. At least Hades left me my memories. But it almost seems like a curse because I remember everything. I remember the betrayal, my suicide, and the scream I know will never leave me.

"Percy?" an incredulous voice asks behind me. I'm surprised that someone here knows me. They'd either have to be alive, a monster, or a child of Pluto or Hades. The voice sounds very familiar sending an unexpected spurt of melancholy through me.

"Bianca!" child of Hades, should've known. What is Bianca doing here? I thought she chose for rebirth! Nico said so himself. And she should be in Elysium. "As should I," I thought bitterly.

"Percy, why are you here? How did you die? Why did you die? You look so much more different than the last time we met," she tries to reach for me, but since we are only spirits her hand goes through me.

"You remember Annabeth?" she nods, "She cheated on me with my half brother and so I ran myself through with Riptide. Bianca I can't tell you how many times that I'm sorry that you were killed. But look where we ended up. We will never be rid of each other," I laugh without humor.

"You committed suicide over a girl who clearly wasn't worthy of your time. It looks like loyalty was the death of you, but it wasn't your fault."

"I loved her so much," I choke out, "It would've been so much more painful to keep living vs. death. I welcomed it. Death is better than hell. It's not like I would've lived much longer anyways, my luck was bound to run out eventually. I'm a demigod, I suspect the worse."

"Well I'm glad to have some company other than Nico now. I love my little brother, but I need to have more than him. It's lonely here and it isn't like Hades has many other children who can be here all the time since they too have died. So it's good to have you here."

I smiled at her and I'm not sure what I would've said next because, once again, I heard a voice coming from behind me.

"Perseus Jackson and Bianca di Angelo, how would you like to live again? My name is Chaos, Creator of the Universe. I'm about to make sure you receive what you deserve. Surely you want to know that the people who made you suffer are suffering themselves? Percy, don't you want to see how your little daughter of Athena is reacting to your death?" he knows how to tempt me, "And Bianca, wouldn't you like to see the other Hunters? But I can make you two stronger and more powerful than you ever were before. I would love to see the looks on your 'friends' faces when they see you together. I can teach you things that even the Olympians don't know." The temptation is very, very strong and I'm about to give in. The man in front of me is tall. As in he is over 6'4 and probably wears a size 20 shoe. He wears only fatigues, but he is so confident and intimidating that he makes it look like an expensive Italian suit. His skin tone is the color of copper and he has a military haircut. This man was built to fight and be powerful.

"Are you evil? Are you in any way trying to destroy the gods or take down Western Civilization?" I ask him because I'm suspicious.

He laughs loudly and smiles widely back at me, "No child, I just don't want to waste your potential. I see that you are destined for greatness that doesn't even compare to what you have done in your previous life. I can make you and Bianca here immortal and you shall train with me. Little do you know, but at this moment the gods are making the people who fought in the Titan War and the Prophecy of Seven immortal because they don't want to lose anymore of their heroes. They can train all of their immortal lives on Earth, but they won't even come close to what I can make you in just 20 years. There are more warriors like you two back in the Void. I cannot force you to come, but I want you to consider what I can make you into. Percy, I could make you into one of my commanders easily. And Bianca, I could make you commander of the girl army.

I do not wish to create war between the other galaxies or the beings on this planet, I create my warriors to help those in need when they are about to be destroyed. You see, in approximately 100 years, Gaea and Kronos are going to try to rise again. Together, they can destroy the Olympians once and for all. But with you two as my commanders, and possibly one of my personal assassins," he winks at me when he says personal assassins, "we can once and for all destroy these bothersome titans and rebelling ancient goddesses. But I can't do this without you two. Will you join me?" I look at Bianca for the first time since Chaos arrived and she has a dreamy expression on her face. I guess that I look about the same way. She glances at me and we make a unanimous decision.

"We'll join you in the Void."

Percy Jackson Chaos AssassinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora