Chapter 1

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The next time you're faced with something that's unexpected, unwanted and uncertain, consider that it just may be a gift ~ Stacey Kramer


"So this is Serin, huh."

Kiyoko muttered to herself as she stood out the front of her new high school that she would be studying at for the rest of her highschool days. She was actually happy to go here because one of her brothers, Hikaru, would be attending with her as a second year. Back when they were in England she had gone to an all girls school, and being the only girl in her family, she had to attend it alone.

It was the first day of class for both herself and Hikaru. She had split from him at the gate of the school as they both went to find their own clubs to join, with a short goodbye to each other. She had signed up for the basketball club to either become the manager, player or the coach, but she had a feeling that there would already be a coach.

She smiled slightly as she finally got to her classroom. She walked in and sat near the window at the back that overlooks the track-and-field arena and the soccer field. She jump slight and turn to her left as she heard a voice talking to her.

"Is this seat taken" A monotone voice said.

She turned her head and took a better look at the person. He had teal hair and the same coloured eyes, he wasn't tall but was still taller than her short 5'1 frame. She snapped out of her thoughts, shaking her slightly.

"No, I didn't think so. My name is Utasti Kiyoko by the way." She introduced herself with a friendly smile plastered on her face.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Kuroko Tetsuya" Kuroko had responded in the same monotone voice, which Kiyoko ignored, and took the seat beside her.

"Have you chosen a club yet Kuroko-san?" Kiyoko asked, speaking softly like she normally does, she just didn't like to yell or talk loudly.

"Yes, I chose the Basketball club."

"Huh, guess we're club mates then."

After she had finished that statement a redhead giant walked into the class with a, what it looks like, a permanent scowl on his face. He headed down the aisle and took the seat in front of Kiyoko and ignored everyone else. Kiyoko looked at him curiously but otherwise ignored him.

After class she headed straight for the gym, only to find it empty. She to the change rooms and found the girl that she had handed the registration form to. The brunette looked up as she saw the orange hair girl walk in.

"Ah, there you are Utasti-san. My name is Aida Riko, coach of Seirin basketball team," She looked down at her clipboard quickly and then looked back up at Kiyoko "You applied for the job of the manager, player or coach, right?"


"Ok." Riko nodded to herself, before she started to scan Kiyoko's abilities only to to go into shock as she saw how high her numbers were. 'Her numbers are so high! I-I've never seen this before' She thought 'And she still has her shirt on, I can't even imagine how high they will be then'. She finally snapped out of it when Kiyoko called her name out. She shook her head as she focused again.

"Sorry. Anyway, you will be the manager and assistant coach. You will only play when we are struggling and in a bad situation. Clear?"

"Hai, Aida-senpai"

Kiyoko was more than joyed to hear that. She had loved basketball since a young age when her third oldest brother, Saburo, decided to teach her his favourite sport. He had faith that she would be able to do it, and sure enough he was right. She was very small, but that gave her an advantage as she was also quick was able to duck under people and make amazing passes and shots that no one would expect from a short girl like her.

Princess of the court (KnB/Kuroko no Basuke fanfic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now