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Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it's only by the meeting that a new world is born ~ Anais Nin


Meet Utasti Kiyoko (Lastname. Firstname). 16 years old, 154 cm tall, 43.7 kg, large round bronze coloured eyes, light brown curly waist length hair with a hint of orange in the light of the sun. She originally comes from Japan but was moved away to England when she was 9 for her mother and father's businesses but has recently moved back with her family deciding that she wanted to finish school in her home country. Kiyoko went to a very rich school in England, since her family is rich, but she didn't like to show off her money like all the other people there. She is considered the 'Princess' of the family because she is the only girl out of all her 15 brothers, and lets be honest, she really doesn't like it all that much.

Kiyoko is a very sporty person, competing in tennis, netball, badminton and basketball competitions and always winning with her unique skills. She loved basketball the most though because it was her third oldest brother who taught it to her and she had one the most competitions in it. Even though it's mainly a man's sport she wants to prove that females can play just as well as male players as well.

It was just a few days after her middle school graduation and her family had just moved into their new house or mansion in Tokyo.

"Okaa-san (1)" Kiyoko said as she came down the stairs and into the dining room where her mother was sitting on at the end of the table going through papers, most likely paperwork.

"Hai (2), what is it sweetie?"

"What high school will Hikao-niisan (3) and me be going to?" Kiyoko said softly as she sat to the right of her mother.

Her mother looked up at her seriously before a smile broke out onto her face.

"You two will be attending Seirin High school."

Kiyoko also smiled at her mother before excusing herself, getting up and going back to her room.

"Seirin huh.... this will be interesting.."


*1 ~ Okaa-san means mother in japanese

*2 ~ Hai means yes

*3 Hika-oniisan means big brother and san is showing respect

Princess of the court (KnB/Kuroko no Basuke fanfic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now