Embarrassing Stories

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Locker Trouble?

One day, my crush didn't show up to school- and I happened to know his locker combo. Because of this, my friends and I thought it would be funny to break into his locker and look through his things. I found one of his shirts and went into the bathroom to put it on. When I came out, his older brother saw me with it on! He even called my crush to tell him I had his shirt on. The next day when he came back, it was super awkward.

-From Forever_Changed

How Arm-barrassing

I was sitting at my house texting my crush, who was at work a block away from my house. I asked him to stop by, because nobody was home but me. He actually did! However, he only sat down for a minute and left in a hurry. I didn't know why, but then after he left, I realized I had his name written on my arm the whole time! I must have looked like a stalker!

-From Im_Feeling_22, maker of This Is Me Magazine and Red Hot Interviews

Column by elizabethrami

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