Author and Book of The Week

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Author: Parogar.

Parogar's awesome book "Questing Sucks!" gained the spot of being Book of the Week! The book focuses on the main character, an elf named Sehn. He's a rude, vicious, and arrogant elf- unlike the others like him.

Sehn is your average bad guy. He wants to conquer the world and rule over everything. But later on, he realizes he must save it instead.

This book is a wonderful read. It includes a perfect mix of Fantasy and Humor, which I feel is the fudgin' perfect match! 

Not only that, but the book contains a totally non-cliche villain who just happens to be our hero. With that, this story (and all of his other books) deserve to be on the shelves in bookstores.



Okay, calming down, I want let out a "Congrats!" to Parogar for his 4,342nd fan, which this dude totally deserves.

Peace out, Home Slice!

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