Book Reviews

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Author: Kallie J. Colton

Title: The Watkins Twins

About: This book is classified as a Fantasy novel with a hint of teenage drama. The prologue begins late at night within a hospital, where a man sits with his wife as she gives birth to two remarkable twins- Cade and Claire. They are known straight away to have inherited a special gene from their mother; one that allows them to have supernatural abilities. They both have the same vibrant green eyes as well, which is what signifies them as special in the way that their mother is. In the next part and the first chapter, the stage is set during modern times when the twins start their first year of high school as freshmen, both only fourteen years of age. However, this is no ordinary high school year. Even in their first day they encounter the possibility of trackers, who seem to be above-average beings that are scouting out for special people like Claire and Cade. The twins immediately went to their mother and father, and were told only that this year they must act as normal as possible. Claire takes this with difficulty, but upon further reflection, she makes a deal with her brother to do it not because they wanted to, but because they had no other choice.

Although this remarkable book is incomplete, you can be sure it'll be one of your best Wattpad reads yet. Upon speaking with the author myself, she told me that she spends a lot of time editing her chapters before she posts them. This is because she realizes that when her fans are loyal and dedicated as they are, they deserve to have a good quality of writing to look forward to. Although the work itself still contains minor mechanical errors, she is on the path to success with her high level of vocabulary and clear fluency skills. Kallie J. Colton's 'The Watkins Twins is definitely the book for you if you're looking for an excellent read that you're sure not to regret- or forget.

Column by lace-910

Title: One Last Breath of a Loved Vampire

Author: KadeeliaMitchell

Genre: Vampire, Thriller, Mystery

Rated: 4/5

About: The book is beautifully written. It has dialogue, and good description, as well. The story keeps you on your toes. Is Karin a Vampire or not?

Recommended: I recommend for all Vampire fans, but also everyone in genral. I can almost guarantee you will love it. 

Column by LittleMixRoxMySox

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