Advice Column

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Dear Auntie Jen,

Ok, so I'm homeschooled and I travel with my family a lot. This is because my mom and dad work. Being home schooled, I'm, like, super socially awkward- and have never had a boyfriend.

Well, I told you that so I could tell you this. I just started going to this new church about a month ago, and met this guy that I like. Well, last Sunday, I had to take my hair out of its bun so I could fix it. I know this sounds stupid, but my hair has a life of its own and I keep it put up, because if I don't it will go crazy. But anyways, later that night I kinda yelled at him because he was staring at me and it made me feel uncomfortable. The next day, I texted him and told him I was sorry and that I felt bad for yelling and I really didn't ever yell. Well, anyway, he texted back and told me, "Oh, it's fine, but you hair looked good." At first, I thought he was just trying to change the subject, but then a little bit later we started talking about our middle names and I told him that mine reminds me of soap, because it's Dawn. Well, he texted back and told me, "It reminds me of a beautiful sunrise, just like you." What I'm getting at is... does he like me, or am I just looking to much into something that is totally different?


Dear Anonymous Writer, 

 To me, it does sound like he likes you- and I understand that you're a bit unclear about it, considering your schooling. Next time you see him, or speak to him, take it easy. Look for other signs he likes you, which, if you're unsure of that, tends to be things like complimenting you- which he's done already.

Here's ome body language that generally shows a girl that a boy likes them. I did some research, and it turns out that while females have about 52 signs when it comes to liking guys, males have only 10! This includes things like looking at you a lot- maybe even raising his eyebrow slightly- leaning towards you a bit, grooming himself- for example, straightening a tie, adjusting the fit of a sweater, or tying his shoelaces- and he will rarely turn his back on you. He will also relax his muscles when you're around. I even read that subconsciously, a male tends to point his feet to the female if he likes her in that way. He'll tend to catch your eye, and then look away again. A lot of guys will talk about themselves if they're nervous.

Not all guys do this, but see if he touches you at some point- just slightly- for instance, your wrist, or the small of your back to lead you somewhere. Small things like that.

How often does he text you?

Does he treat you differently than his other friends?

These are all great signs to tell if a guy likes you, and if you want to know more I suggest going online and researching this a bit. I think with the compliments he has given you, he definitely likes you as a person. However, the male varies from person to person and us girls tend to struggle trying to figure this out. Generally just try and do things together- don't spend your every waking moment with him, because that might come off as desperate- despite your best intentions. But I don't know, go somewhere after Church to eat maybe. Go to the cinema, an ice rink- anywhere that you two can engage in conversation. Spend time with your friends and him, or his friends and him. Then, spend some time with him alone. It would be interesting to see how he treats you each time. I also took a long time before I got a boyfriend, since I was in a girl's school, but eventually things worked out okay. Just remember to always keep a level head and learn how to laugh at sticky situations. Good luck and please, tell me how it goes!

~Your Auntie Jen

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