Chapter 3

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I hardly got any sleep last night. I sensed something wrong last night, and teleported to check it out, and what I found was gruesome indeed. There had been an attack, and I’m pretty sure that if I was human, I would have died from high blood pressure by now, because I was already livid, and it doesn’t do well for demons to get so angry, we tend to go a little overboard with our outlets. I wanted to rip whoever did this in half, but someone was bound to discover it soon, and I couldn’t be here when they did, so I teleported home, and waited for school. The shock I had when Scott told me about his little “dream” last night was very difficult to mask. I couldn’t hurt him he was my best friend, and I couldn’t let him think he did it, even though I don’t know if he did. So I did what any best friend does, I tried to make him forget about it. Then we found the bus again, and he saw the state it was in.

He went off in a rush to find his little distraction, and I decided in that moment that I don’t care, so I go to class, but I saw Scott with Allison and I saw what I assume to be what was left of Jackson’s locker. In Chemistry, Scott kept bringing it up much to my chagrin, so, Mr. Harris moved us, which I was indifferent to. Lydia, Allison, Danny, and Jackson suddenly decided to join us at lunch, but it was only because they wanted details of the attack, and I was the sheriff’s son. Rather than fight with them I placated them, and told them what they wanted to know, and then the subject changed to something about a group date that didn’t interest me so I zoned out. Scott went to work, so I was bored today. I decided that I would do homework, but that didn’t last long, so I decided to walk around.

I saw my dad go into the clinic, and he had files on the attacks. I don’t know why the people of this place can’t just seem to let it go, because this is becoming too welcoming for hunters. I then have to ask myself why I don’t just leave. I know somewhere that the answer is Scott and my dad, and maybe a little bit of Lydia, but I was being reckless and stupid by staying here. I was keeping an eye on Derek, as he appears to be a threat to my existence here, and I followed him to the hospital. I heard him try to talk to the bus driver, but I had to make this stop, so I stopped the man’s heart. I feel bad about it, but he wasn’t going to last much longer anyway.

I saw Scott later that night, after his mother tried to come at me with a bat, which is laughable, but I then made the biggest mistake of the evening, I told Scott that the driver was dead, of course I didn’t tell him that I killed him, but he immediately assumed that it was Derek and went after him. I couldn’t stop him without exposing myself, so I let him go, but followed close enough to help, far enough to go undetected. I saw them start fighting, which I let happen, as someone had to pound some sense into Scott, but I wouldn’t let him really harm him, and then they started talking about how Derek didn’t turn Scott, duh Derek isn’t an alpha, but I once again can’t even be detected. I see that the situation has calmed down, so I teleport away, and I go to sleep, because I deserve it.

As this is Stiles and not Scott I had to cut out a bit of stuff from this episode and add some fluff, sorry I tried my best, hope it was enjoyable, I like writing this, but some critique would be nice.

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