11:59 pm [updated]

153 16 13

We stumbled out of the club, laughing for no reason -well, there was a reason. I just forgot it.

Christopher's face was flushed as he tried standing up straight, gripping my shoulder to steady himself as soon as he tripped over the cement. "Why'd you want to leave?" He asked.

"Don't you remember Gary?"

"Yuh-huh... And Spongebob and Patrick and -"

I shoved him. "I meant your pig guy."

"Pig..." Through the drunken state, his face lit up when the responsibility hit him. "Oh shit!" He fumbled through each of his pockets and pulled out his phone. "Shit. Shit." And then he pulled out the truck keys and looked at me. "Shit."

My eyes widened. "You told Gary to come here to pick up his truck and you didn't even bother to leave the keys in the truck?"

"What if somebody decided to steal the truck while we were away?"

"It was out of gas!" I cried, throwing my arms up. "Christopher, you know what the best part about that stupid move is?"


"You managed to make it without being drunk."

"I'm not drunk," He said, and then stared at the screen of his phone, trying to read it. "I can't...What time is it?"

The numbers swam on the glowing screen, blurring the edges to illegibility. "I think it's midnight already," I said.

"Well...shit." His face was impending horror for one more second before he laughed.

Which meant I laughed.

He padded my back, escorting me forward. "I think it's a good idea to go find the truck now before..." His expression blanked, thinking.


"Before Gary gets really mad at me."

I skipped on the damp pavement, figuring it rained while we were inside, and twirled around to make the hems of my dress fly.

Christopher chuckled from a distance now. "What are you doing?"

I kept rotating around and around because I was a ballerina and then planted my foot forward, my arm extended to him. "Dance with me," I said, stumbling at the finishing stance.

He walked past me. "Not even drunk."

I tangoed beside him for the next several feet, making him halt in his walk.

"Why are you dancing so much? We're not even in the club anymore."

I beamed at him before placing my hands on his shoulders, aligning ourselves. "Daaaance." When I remained the only one moving, I dropped the smile and snapped, "Dance."

He laughed and placed his hands on both sides of my waist, shaking his head. "I can't believe you're forcing me to. I can't dance, you know?"

"Well if you would follow my instructions: one foot forward, one back, and front, and -"

His feet continued stepping back and forth clumsily.

"Christopher, you're off sync!"

"What are you even dancing to?"

I swiveled my hips, trying to get the hems to swing left and right. "I don't know," I said, and then laughed when I tripped on his foot.

"Here how about I hold you here..." He grabbed one of my hands. "And you put yours...here."

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