4:09 pm [updated]

169 19 3

"I want to ask a question," Christopher said, breaking the silence.

We were walking down the ever-long sidewalk, wandering away from Naples Organica, our drinks disposed of already. The tightness in my throat earlier had yet to go away.

"But you're not gonna answer it," He said. "You're just going to think about it. Okay?"

"Okay," I said. "Ask away."

"And don't laugh either. It might be a bit cheesy, but just think about it."

"Okay, Christopher. What is it?"

"That question...'If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?' Do you remember?"

"I do."

"That's my question. I wanna know what you think."

I looked at him dryly. "You're asking me that?"

"It makes a sound, doesn't it?"

Wondering why he'd brought up philosophy's famous ruse, I answered anyway. "Of course it does. It doesn't matter whether someone's there to see or hear it, it still makes a sound."

"That's what I thought, too," He said. "I thought that because it was supposed to be some philosophical question, there'd be some hidden, metaphorical meaning behind it. Apparently, the answer is no; sound is just the sensation through our ears when a vibration goes through it. 'If there are no ears to hear, there is no sound.'"

I nodded slowly, repeating the same words in my head to remember them. "What was the hidden meaning you thought it had then?"

He shrugged one shoulder, as if perceiving his own idea of it now to be vapid compared to the actuality of it. "I thought it at least meant whether something still mattered if no one knew it existed, or if something was ever there if no one bothered knowing. I thought it meant some kind of existential shit or something, but it wasn't. It was just a random question people asked each other. And Sarah asked me to sound smart."

"Oh," I said as we came to a stop. I boggled my mind about it, conjuring something to say in response to that. Then I remembered he told me to not answer, to only think about it, so I thought about it. 

So...does it? I want to hear what you guys think. 

btw, sorry for the super short chapter! it is how it is, lol. next one will be up shortly. xx

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