Chapter Twentyone

Start from the beginning

Me: Hey baby, found my mom's letter, now all I need is some answers. Not sure how I'll get them but as soon as I do, it's all over. Just you and me against the world.

Chloe: EEP! I'm so happy, I just squealed in the middle of my class, my professor is glaring at me LOL

Me: Omg babe, chill! I love you, I'll see you soon xx

Chloe: Love you moree xx

I shook my head and put my phone away. I lay on my back and stare up at the ceiling, as I did when was sixteen. Five years later, and I'm still hiding from my dad. I know life will never change, I will always be running from my dad, but at least now I know I can escape.

The door opened and my dad stood in the doorframe. He had a stone face and I knew he was angry about something. "Beca... Why were you in my files?" He asked.

I sat up in bed "How did you kn-"

"More importantly, why did you tell the social worker I beat you and to never give us children?" He slammed the door and locked it. He came closer and I backed up against the wall as much as possible. "I heard everything you said, I was sitting on the stairs. I'm not too happy with you. What were you looking for in my files?"

"Nothing, I don't know, I just thought maybe you'd have baby pictures of me or something." I said quick enough for him to believe, but that didn't mean he was any less angry.

He took a deep breath. "Beca, I am very upset with you right now. I found out that you and Jesse broke up? Someone told me that they saw you and that Chloe girl at the library, kissing? You're not doing what I asked you to. You're breaking my rules, and now you're snooping through my house. Telling social workers not to give my wife what she wants." My dad took his belt off. "You need to be punished."

"Dad... Dad I'm not a child anymore, you can't do this!" I felt my heartbeat quicken as I fell off of the bed and backed into the corner of the room. "Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"Beca you should know, sorry means nothing to me." My dad grabbed my shoulder and forced me to the ground, my face slammed into the floor and I swear I felt my nose break. I closed my eyes and hoped I would be use to the pain. I felt his belt strike down on my back and cried out in pain. He kept going, and as I did when I was a teenager, I let my mind drift to a place where my dad couldn't hurt me, to a place where I was with Chloe and everything was better, and I was happy.
After a while my dad was done. I lay there, not daring to move again. "Now that you're older I can't let you leave. You'll just go to the police. You're stuck here until I can figure out exactly what to do with you." My dad grabbed my phone off the bed and rushed out of the room. I heard him push something against the door, and I knew I was stuck, with no phone, no way out, and in a lot of pain.

(Chloe's POV)

Beca hasn't texted me back in eight hours. I sat in the living room of the Bella house, it was our Saturday night movie night, and Lilly got to pick the movie. We were watching Would You Rather, which was strangely fucked up. Everyone said I looked like the main character, but I didn't see it. Plus I'd never pull of blonde hair.
I was too busy constantly checking Beca's social media, and making sure she hasn't texted me to really get into the movie, but the few glimpses I caught were so fucking weird. The fact that I haven't heard from Beca, Kimmy-Jin hasn't seen her, and she hasn't come by the Bella's house yet was really worrying me. Everyone tried to assure me that she was probably just busy, or maybe her dad invited her to stay for dinner, but I had an uneasy feeling, and the weird shit going on in the movie was not helping.
Everyone was collectively freaked out and nauseated by what happened in the movie, except for Lilly who seemed to think it was the coolest thing ever despite the occasional gag or disgusted comment from the Bella's, or occasional mention of how something similar happened in Flo's country.
We were packed together like sardines which only added to my uncomfortable feeling.
Everyone was so focused on the film, but all I could think of was Beca. I tried calling her but each time it went to voicemail. The only thing I could do right now was hope that Beca was okay, and that she would call me in the morning.

I put my phone away, figuring worrying was getting me nowhere. I tried to focus on the movie and I couldn't help but wonder why someone made such a weird a creepy movie. "This is the best part." Lilly whispered in my ear, making me jump. I looked at the screen and a guy took a razor blade to his eye ball. Stacie hid her face in Aubrey's neck, Fat Amy's mouth hung wide open, and I could tell poor little Jessica was trying to keep her dinner down.

"Lilly how did you find this movie?" Aubrey asked. Lilly just smiled and shrugged.

Once the movie was over I rushed upstairs and to my room, throwing myself on my bed. I pulled out my phone and checked for any sign of Beca, and still nothing. I figured I would text her one more time before bed.

Me: Goodnight Beca, I love you. Please text me back as soon as possible, I'm really worried about you xx

I stayed up half an hour just waiting for my phone to tell me she texted back, before I drifted off to sleep.
She's fine. I know she is. I know.

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