Chapter 13-Being civil with each other

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I awaken by text messages coming into my phone. I took it up only to find 5missed calls and 6text messages from Alexa, Chelsea and one from Janina.
I decide to read Alexa's texts first since she called 3 times and left 4 messages.

1.'Hey Sav, everything alright? Call me.'
2.'Its me again. Are you ok? What happened to you last night?'
3.'Sav, I'm worried about you, I didnt hear from you lastnight. Call me when you see this. What was up with Eric?'
4.'Hey, its after 9 and you still haven't replied. Let me know if everything is alright.'

I then typed a quick reply to her.
'Hey Lex, I'm fine now. Just woke up. Some drunk jerk tried to made a move on me lastnight but Eric appeared and punch him.'
'Oh, and Lex something happened with us last night but its not anything dirty so don't think there :) I'll call you soon'

I read Janina's text next.
1.'Hey morning sis. I missed you, when are you coming to visit again?'

I texted a quick reply to her as well.
'Hey baby sis, I missed you too. I'm not sure when I'll visit as yet but I'll call you. Love you'

I then opened Chelsea's texts
1.'Sav, Alexa told us you left early with Eric last night and you seemed upset. Everything OK? What happened?'
2.' Let me know when you're awake ok?'

My phone then vibrated showing me I got new message from Alexa and one from Nina.

Alexa: 'Ok, But don't wait to long to tell me ok ;) :)'
Me: ' Yeah alright lol'

Nina: Alright sis love you too.
Me: :)

I then got up and went to the bathroom and have a shower, washed my hair and brush my teeth. I dried the excess water from my hair then allowed it to fall down my back in its natural wave to airdry. I then got dress into a green and white spaghetti strap summer dress then decide to go get breakfast. I was suddenly feeling nervous as I remembered last night. What if we were back to hating each other? What if we were back to gighting and arguing? What if Eric decided to start being an ass again? What if he told me last night was a mistake and that he didn't like me? I wasn't quite sure how I was going to behave around him but I know I had to get over this.

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