Chapter 5- Meeting up with an old and new friends part 2

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"Oh my god. Sav!? I can't believed its you".

"Alexa?, Omg" I said shocked but happy.

"Omg, Sav its you. Its been forever" she said while we hugged each other tightly while laughing.

"Alexa, I haven't seen you in ages" I said while we pulled back to look at each other then hugging tightly again.

"Yeah. Eight years, we haven't seen each other in eight year Sav" she said hugging me again. "I'm so happy right now. And you look great".

"You look great too Alexa, I can't believed we finally see each other again" I said to her. "Are you studying business administration here as well?"

"Yeah, I am. I can't believed it, I finally get to be reunited with you again and even more studying the same course. This is great" she said.

By standing being all excited we haven't even realized that more persons were starting to fill up the front row seats in the lecture theatre, until I realised.

"I know right" I said. "Let's go inside before all the near seat got filled, we can catch up later at our break" I said while pulling her inside.
We made it to the third row of seats and sat beside each other and began talking excitedly as we waited for our lecturer to come and start class.

Alexa was my best friend from kindergarten up until middle school when she moved away with her family. Her Dad company transferred him so they moved away where we ended up being separated and attending different high schools. We were also neighbours, we did everything together, told each other everything and so on. We haven't seen each other in eight years and we sort of lost contact.
Her parents were great, and she had an older sister Clarise who was 4 years older than us. She and my brother Hayden used to date as well but they broke up before they moved anyway.
It was great to finally be reunited with her.

"So Sav how have you been? I'm so glad to see you again after so long. How is your family, and little Nina? Are you staying here on campus?" Alexa asked questions one behind thwe other excitedly.

"Lex, I'm so hapy to see you too you have no idea" I replied. "I've been OK, Mom and Dad and Hayden are fine, he's a lawyer now though and his girlfriend Kylie is great. Nina is all grown up now as well, she's eleven now and she's brilliant and really pretty.
I live at an apartment not far from here though but my roommate is a total asshole, I can't stand him. What about you?".

"Woah!" She replied chuckling. "You live with a guy, you of all persons Sav. I can't believed it. I have a new brother and sister, they're twin-Ashley and Amar they're nine. And Clarise is married to an accountant and I have a four year old nephew- Zach. I live at one of the single rooms apartments nearby as well".

"That's great Lex, I think we should definitely have a reunion with our families soon" I said to her.

"Most definitely, my family would love that" she said smiling and gently squeezing my arm.

Our professor came in and start talking so we sort of quiet down. He was a middle age man with black hair, he seemed to be in his late 40s or early 50s.

" Well hello everybody. I got to say welcome everyone to Melbourne University. I'm professor Caldwell. I know some of you are excited about university, parties, girls alcohol, dorm rooms etc but y'all better be excited about my work as well because that's the most important part of university" he said and we all chuckled at that.

" And I don't appreciate tardiness for my classes or my assignments so please guys I'm asking you all to take this course seriously, please whenever your given assignments I'm asking you to submit them as earlybas possible and please try to turn up early for all my cla-.....". He was then cut off by the lecture door opening.

"Oh, Mr.Lopez, we were just talking about tardiness" he said as we all turned around to see who had just entered.

I then realized that it was Eric. Like seriously? Does the earth hate me that much. Not only am I stuck living with this jerk but I'm stuck with him at the same university and in the same classes as well. I guess luck is really not on my side.

"Sorry, Professor" Eric said smirking, "I got lost".

"You've got to be kidding me" I mumbled under my breath then sighed while sinking lower in my chair.

"What's wrong?" Alexa asked me looking at me worriedly.

"I present to you Eric Lopez my asshole roommate" I said to her.

"Ooohh" she drawled, "He's sooooo hot".

I scoffed at her, "He's not hot Lex, he's assy".

"Well then other girls seem to agree with me" she said gesturing to some of the girls in the classroom and sure enough almost all the girls in the class were gawking at him, some with dreamy eyes and some trying to look seductive.

"The universe obviously hates me" I whispered to her.

"Just find a seat Mr.Lopez and welcome to Melbourne university" professor Caldwell said. I wonder how he knew Eric's name.

Just as if the universe was really proving to me how much it hated me, Eric took a seat in the court row right behind me.

"Oh Tweety bird" he said calling me his stupid nickname from the first day he met me and I was wearing a Tweety bird shirt.
" So this is where you attend as well huh? I never picked you for the business type".

" Seriously Lopez and what type did you picked me as, the low Guttery type like you?" I said to him agitated.

"Naw, more like a brothel type" he replied with a smug smile on his face.
I gasped at him, this is the second time he had insulted me by implying I was like a prostitute. I opened by mouth to curse at him.

" You can kiss my a-......" I began but was cut off by Alexa holding my arm and telling me not to say anything.
For the remainder of the class I tried to ignore Eric's presence although it was hard since he kept making little snooty comments. Like seriously what was he like 7?

After the lecture ended I quickly got up and exist the lecture theatre trying to avoid Eric. Alexa catch up to me.

"What's the deal with you guys?" She asked as we walked towards a tuck shop on the compound.

"Well apparently Lopez is a spoiled arrogant rich boy who is just rude and inconsiderate. He hates me from the minute he saw me and well the feelings is mutual" I told her.
I bought a bottle of pineapple juice while Alexa bought a hot dog and a bottle of orange juice. We then made our way over to a bench which was under a huge tree. As we sat down I noticed a couple sitting nearby. The guys got up from the table as he kissed the girl on her head. I then recognized that it was Dominic and Chelsea.

"Hey" I said to them as Alexa and I sat down at the table nearby theirs.

"Oh hey, um... Savannah right?" Dominic said while smiling.

"Savannah? I can't believed it. You go here?" Chelsea said excitedly.

"I had no idea we'd see you again" Dominic said.

"Well me neither. Small world isn't it?" I said. "By the way this is Alexa, Alexa this is Dominic and Chelsea".

"Hi, Alexa" both Dominic and Chelsea said simultaneously and we all chuckled at that.

"I have to get to class anyway, so see you girls around" he said. "Later babe" she said to Chelsea while giving her a quick peck on her lips then walking off.

" Awwww, That's so sweet" Alexa said and we both chuckled while Chelsea started blushing.

She then got up and sat at our table and the three of us hit it off instantly. We spend most of our break catching up and getting to know each other more.
I discovered that Chelsea is studying psychology and today was her first day as well. Dominic was studying law and was in his second year, he was 21years old and she's was 19 years old just like Alexa and I.
Alexa, Chelsea and I ended up having a psychology class together as it was required that those who study business administration must also take a minor psychology course.

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