Chapter 11- Expect the Unexpected part 1

Start from the beginning


"Hey there's this party going on at one of the fraternity house tomorrow night. Dominic's going and I was wondering if you guys wanna come with us?" Chelsea said as we were eating lunch.

"I don't know Chelsea, I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow and do the laundry then I'll be too tired to attend a party, so sorry I don't think so" I said to her trying to find all the excuses not to go, I really didn't feel much like partying.

"Come on you party pooper, how long is it gonna take to pick up a few groceries then do a few laundry? You really need to start trying to have some fun once in a while. You study hard you're really focus on school but haven't you heard that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?" She said to me " Tell her Alexa".

" She's right Sav, we need to have fun once in a while" Alexa said.

"Oh no Led, not you too, you guys are ganging up on me. No fear" I said to them while pouting.

They both laughed at my childish behavior and then Chelsea said "Come on, Dominic will drive us, we'll go together. It'll be fun" she said.

And that's how I ended up being at this frat party with loud music, dancing alcohol a few drunk college students, persons making out in different creases and corner of the house and who know what else is going on upstairs.

Half an hour at the party and I was already ready to go back home. I could feel a headache coming on and Dominic and Chelsea were already dancing wgilke Alexa and I stand around watching them and the other persons dancing.
The place smelled of alcohol, sweaty persons and stale pizza. There was spilled drinks on the floor so we had to be careful of where we stepped.
An hour later and I had a full on headache, Chelsea and Dominic who had joined us earlier had gone back to dancing and I had a screaming bladder as I really need to pee since I drank two or maybe three bottle of sodas.

"I'm gonna go pee" I said to Alexa who was now talking to Kevin who had come up to her and started talking to her, I didn't see Eric so I'm guessing he isn't here.

"OK, I'll be here" she said as I walked off.

I went upstairs where the bathrooms were luckily I found an empty one fast I I went inside, closed the door then did my business. I washed my hands then splashed some water on my face. I used some paper towel to dry my hands and fave then I throw it in the bin and got out of the bathroom.
As I existed the bathroom I bumped into a thick blond guy.

"Sorry" I said to him.

"No problem babe" he said, "You look hot, maybe you and I could go have our own little party" he said as his eyes travelled to my bare legs then up back to my face as he wriggle his eyebrows at me. I instantly knew what he meant and was disgusted. Maybe I shouldn't have worn such a short shorts, now I have a perv eyeing me.

"No thanks" I said to him as I tried to step around him.
But he grabbed my arm and pulled me against his chest.

"I insisted" he said smirking and I realized he was drunk as his breathe reaked of vodka.

"No!" I said disgusted, "Let go!" as I tried to pull my arm from his gripped but it was firm and he was way to strong.

"Don't fight it babe" he said as he backed me up on the wall and pressed his body on mind.

No! Get off" I shouted as I tried pushing him away as he tried to kiss me. But as he held my face and was bringing his head towards mind he was ripped from off me and a punch to his jaw sent him falling on the floor.

"Get off her!" The voiced growled as the person punched the guy.
I sound recognized that the person was Eric.

He seemed pretty angry as he towered over the guy on the floor who was now clutching his jaw, his nose was also bleeding. Eric was gonna punch him again but he held his hand up and said
"Hey man, chill. Sorry I didn't know she was your girl".

Eric pulled back his fist and said to him in a dangerous tone
"Touch her again and I'll rip your head from your shoulders. Now get out of here!".

The guy on the floor then quickly got up nursing his cheek then ran off.
Eric then turned to me and held my face in his hands looking at me worriedly.

"Hey, you OK? He asked me looking at me like I was about to break. I was a bit shaken up by what just happened so I just nodded.

"Come on. Let's get you home" he said as he let go my face the take my hand pulling me with him back downstairs.
We spotted Alexa still talking to Kevin and laughing at something he said.

"Hey, where have you been" she said as she noticed me.

"We're leaving" Eric said to them.

Alexa seemed to realized that Eric was holding my hand and asked "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine" I said to her, but my voice sounded a bit hoarse.

Kevin seem to sense that Eric was mad and asked "What happened man? Everything OK?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to you tomorrow" and with that he pulled m with him towards the door.

"Tomorrow" I said to Alexa as Eric and I went outside. He walked me to the passenger side of his car and opened the door for me, me got in and he closed the door for me then hopped around to his side as he got in and drove off.

End of Chapter 11-Expect the Unexpected part 1

How lucky was Savannah that Eric showed up when he did. He punched the guy for her
His caring and protective side is really starting to come out.

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