Cato: shut up, ann

F: Y r u in the ER?

Cato: tell every1 l8r

G: y do we need 2 come over kat?

K: peeta & I need 2 tell u all something

M: I'm not feeling well

A: ah. Feel better Marvel

M: thx

G: I'll b there in a sec

J: U bitches woke me up from my nap!!!!! >: (

Clove: u took a nap?

J: U would no that if u weren't messing around with Marvel

Cato: Wat?!

Clove: I'm not u bitch! U can't b mad even if I was, Cato

Cato: true

J: Marvel I talked to u earlier. Now ur not feeling well

M: I don't want 2 talk right now

P: Can u all please just answer Katniss' damn question?

J: & that is?

K: Meet me in my dorm room now!!!!!!

G: I'm already here

Cato: That didn't sound like much of a question

K: This is y Gale's my favorite

J: Hands off bitch

Clove: Like u even care. And stop calling every1 a bitch!

J: F**k off

A: Finn and I r on our way

Cato: I already said I can't come

M: I don't want 2 talk 2 any1 rn

Cato: txt me marvel

M: ugh :(. Wait, Cato, aren't u supposed 2 not b on ur phone

Cato: W/e

Clove: I'll b there in a sec

J: Fine

(end of conversation)

Peeta POV:

Everyone comes to Katniss' room and we have to tell them about our baby.

"Ok, so what did you guys need to tell us?" Annie asks. "Are you back together?"

"Not exactly," I say. I look at Katniss and she looks at me like 'you tell them'. "But Katniss is pregnant. And I'm the dad."

"What?" Gale asks.

"How'd you manage to do that, brainless?" Johanna asks.

"Oh my God. I can't be in here right now," Clove says getting up.

"Why?" I ask.

"Her. You two. Everyone," Clove says leaving.

"Well, Finnick and I have some news too," Annie says. "We're engaged!"

"Oh my God!" We all say. "Congrats!"

"When's the wedding?" Katniss asks.

"Winter break," Finnick says.

"That's so exciting," Katniss says.

"Well, I've got a lot of homework to do. I'll see you guys later," Gale says getting up to leave. He opens the door and Clove is standing there.

"Guess you didn't have to leave, huh?" Johanna asks. Clove gives her a death glare and runs off.

Clove POV:

I run to Marvel's room. I pound on the door until he opens it. His eyes are red and puffy like he's been crying. "Hey, what's up?" He says with his voice shaking.

"I should be asking you the same thing," I say stepping into the room.

"It's nothing," he says. "It's just...Glimmer broke up with me." He looks at me. "And it's your fault."

"My fault? If I remember correctly, you kissed me. And how is it my fault if she moved over 5000 miles?" I question.

"Glimmer wouldn't have broken up with me if I hadn't kissed you," he says.

"Yes she would have. You two just couldn't make a long distance relationship work. I know Glimmer better than you do--" I say before he interrupts me.

"Of course you do, Clove. You know everyone better than everyone. Why do you have to act like little-miss-perfect? News flash, you're not! You cheated on Cato and broke two relationships by doing that. You made out with me and ruined mine! Just stay the hell out of my life!" he yells. I probably looked shocked. I have never seen Marvel act's the word. So Cato.

"I thought you were nice, but I see Cato's rubbed off on you," I say and leave. Now what? I can't go back to my room because of Johanna. Wait, Cashmere said if I need anything I can go to her. I don't really want to talk to her, so I can see if she can drive me to see Cato. I go walk to her room and knock on the door. She answers very quickly.

"Hey, Clove. What's up?" she says.

"Well," I start. "Remember how you said you would help me out if I ever needed something?" She nods. "I was wondering if you would be able to drive me to the hospital to see my friend."

"Oh, sure. What's wrong with your friend?" she asks.

"Sports injury," I say.

"Ok," she says. "Let's go !" We walk out to her car and she drives me to the hospital. We get there and she parks. "Do you need a ride back?"

"I might," I say.

"Ok. Text me if you do," she says.

"Ok, thanks," I say. I walk into the hospital and go back to Cato's room. Cali is sitting outside. "Hey, Cali. What's going on?"

"Dr. Snider is in there telling my parents and Cato his MRI results. My mom told me to wait out here. I didn't expect you to be back," Cali says.

"Neither did I. I had a feeling he was getting kinda lonely considering out of his friends, Marvel and I were the only two that came," I say. "Do you think I can maybe talk to him when they're done talking?" She nods.

"Can you please take me down to the cafeteria? I'm starved. They have really good desserts too," Cali says. I nod and we both go down to the cafeteria. If only Cato was as sweet as Cali.

Hey, guys! I have a headache right now. I can't like move to far or walk to much without it hurting. I just sneezed and it really hurt! Woohoo for me! My mom is vacuuming and I had to pause my show. My mom is also scaring my dog. In this chapter, Everlark tells everyone they're having a baby, Fannie tells everyone they're engaged, and Clove and Marvel get into a fight. If you have any ideas for the fanfic, please comment them or private message me. If I like any ideas, I'll give you a shoutout in that chapter. 

QOTD: Do you think Clove broke up Glarvel or was it something else?

AOTD: Idk, I wanna here what you guys think

Now my mom won't stop singing Let's Go Fly a Kite. Imma go back to my show because my mom finished vacuuming. Peace out girl scout!


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