A Dragon's Passion

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A Dragon's Passion

By AlaraChan

Astarana Tau II, 628 A.A. (After Ascension)

The universe is one vast ocean open for plunder. In the far region of the Benellii system lies Astarana Tau II-a den for those who are hiding from the law. The dwarf planet was declared open ground and a sanctuary for thieves and pirates. The Confederation of Galaxies has agreed to let the tiny system of five planets have autonomy.

The Drunken Kitty was the go-to place for those whose business bordered on the shady and less than savoury. Its patrons preferred the hushed silence of its shadowed alcoves and seedy booths. Seren McLeod found herself on her second serving of the house brew. The bartender was an enormous fellow who looked like he could be as comfortable in the vid arenas just as he was in bashing heads if the patrons get too rowdy.

The only noise came from the news channel being projected on the vid box on one corner of the bar.

"The Confederation has voted in favour of the missing Crown Prince Ezekeal Draconis D'Aurelis. Meanwhile, protesters are in the streets of The Imperial City urging the dethroned Prince Sigurd to give up his claims after the Benellii Court released their guilty verdict regarding his mother's involvement on the failed assassination of his father. Reports say that the emperor filed for divorce, thereby changing the line of succession in favour of Prince Ezekeal... on another news..."

The news is not something Seren cared about for years. Let the royals play their game of court intrigue and endless machinations. Places like Astarana have very little use for politics.

Instead, she studied the golden foam on the rim of her mug. The colour reminded her of eyes that have haunted her dreaming and waking moments; eyes bright as the sun, eyes that shone with an inner light.

Eyes that reflect her own.

The night had proven to be rather slow-the heat of the day made for bad business since most of Astarana's residents shied away from the forty something heat waves. Only three of the booths have occupants and the usual whores preferred to display their wares out in the street.

She would have called it an early night but the tiny bells over the entrance announced the arrival of another patron. He was covered in a long coat-odd for this time of the year-that hid his features well, but Seren knew it was him. Her prey.

She could never forget him. His stance, his features; even the way he walked and breathed.

Zeke Aureolis- known bounty hunter all over the Benellii Region, and a man her brother once considered family.

How could she forget the one who betrayed them?

She reached inside her coat for her throwing knife. She knew that Zeke is a dangerous man with a huge bounty on the Outer Rim. Her employer in particular wanted him dead or alive. She travelled seven long months to look for him and took on odd jobs along the way to finance her journey.

He sat on the bar three seats from her and ordered the house specialty. The bartender obviously knew him and quickly placed his order in front of him. Seren watched him from her peripheral vision.

She caught him watching her with amused green eyes. Her jaw clenched. She knew that he knew and she wanted to hit herself over the head for it. Zeke is a modified and a damn good tracker. He'd have smelled her just as he crossed the threshold.

So why did he still proceed?

The answer came from the three other occupants of the booths. In another heartbeat, Zeke snatched over a dozen arrows from thin air. A cry came from outside and one of the whores stumbled inside the bar with an arrow protruding from between her eyes. Seren dove for the floor.

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