Floating Eyes

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Paige's POV

The world knows that Jessica King and I do not get along. At least 80% of the time we're at each other's throats. But I guess I kinda admire her. And plus I owe her. I just didn't really think it would be to this extent.

I grab fistfuls of the boys' shirts and yank. "Sir, we don't want to cause any trouble. We really don't. But I know you saw this girl here today. I know it for a fact. Please, just do us all a favour and tell us where she's gone."

The grungy old man spits tobacco. "I ain't got any information on this.... blondie you're talking about."

"He's lying!" Jason yells, charging.

I grab at his shirt and he goes spinning around, having to run a few steps so he won't topple over. When he finally regains his balance, he scowls at me and sulks off.

"Sir. I'm done negotiating. Tell us where she went. Otherwise...." I clench my fists and pray to the gods this will work even with my depleted energy.

His eyeballs pop out of his head and I levitate them so he can see himself. He obviously does, and his mouth screams, seeing his eyeless head. I grin and turn one of his eyeballs so it can see the other. His screams grow in intensity.

"Now look. You tell us where she went and I won't ask the angry blond guy that just left, to come back and stab these." I bob one of his eyeballs in the air for emphasis.

"Alright, alright!" he shrieks. "Yeah, I know who you're talking about. Pretty blonde thing lying limp on some big burly man. I didn't say nothin' though cause he gave me this," he pulls four hundred dollars from his pocket. "For my old car. Sounds like your girl."

I turn his eyes to the floor and take two of the four hundred bills and pop his eyes back into his head. He gasps, rolling his eyes around in his head and sinks to the floor, crying. I feel a little bad, but I don't really have time to spare people's feelings in the hunt for legendary demigods. Well actually, only one apparently incredibly powerful demigod in the hands of Cyron.

"What the hell?" John demands, confused that I'm dragging him out of the little store. "Why didn't you ask where they went?"

"That landing on the head really did some damage huh?" I say, rapping on his head. "He said Cyron took the car. They could be anywhere."


He's cut off by Jason, who screeches up the curb in a beaten up Ford. A very old one, I might add. "Nice wheels." I nod. "Where'd you get it? The Renaissance."

He rolls his eyes. "Just get in. It was the best thing I could find."

John whistles. "Hey. I'm not complaining. Shotgun!"

I roll my eyes. "I'm serious though. Where'd you get the car?"

The instant I get into the car, it's like he stomps down on the accelerator. We literally take off so fast I fall onto the floor. I grab hold of whatever I can, terrified to get up, but terrified to stay down.

"JASON!" I scream. "You're gonna kill us!"

"Relax, no ones dying." he has to yell to be heard over the wind. "And I hotwired it. Handy skill huh?"

"Then at least close the window!" I shriek, deciding to stay on the floor and curling into a ball.

"Can't." he responds. "They don't move. I tried cranking them up but the handle's stuck."

I sobbed. "I'm too young to die."

"This is awesome!" John yells.

I peek over the seat and see him sticking his head out the window like a dog. "Get your head back in here!" I bark. "You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"I'm fin-"

A truck whizzes by so quickly and so close, it nearly skims the skin off John's nose. He pulls his head back inside so quickly I was surprised he didn't get whiplash. I climb into the middle seat to get a peek at his face. His eyes are wide open and he looks shell shocked.

"Guess I was right huh?" I smirked, gathering my courage and quickly putting on my seatbelt.

"Not really. Check me out. Being alive and all."

"Stop the car or I swear to the gods, I'm gonna throw myself out the window. Right now!" I screech.

And then Jason stomps on the brakes so hard we literally come to a screeching halt. I pull the door open and roll out onto the sidewalk, lying flat on my back. Seconds later, they're both standing over me, in giggles.

"Not funny. World spinning." I mumble. "Gonna be sick."

They both back up quickly, practically tripping over themselves in their haste to get away from me. I push myself up onto my elbows and lean my head against the car doors. People were starting to honk. And stare.

"Do you.... need some help?" John asks half-heartedly, still keeping his distance.

"Mmm." I groan and shake my head, pulling myself to my feet.

"Oh thank gods." John mutters. "I mean.... that you're feeling okay." he adds, seeing my vicious glare.

"Where were we even going?" I demand. "Did you get a trail?"

Jason rolls his eyes. "No, I just wanted to do all that stuff for fun. Actually, it was kinda fun."

"Okay, well. Enlighten us kind sir." I nod, gesturing for him to explain.

"That thing I got injected with. It made my insides feel like stone and evil. And fiery, liquid gold. And when Jess mixed my blood with hers, I felt that same sickening feeling in my gut. Then I sat on the ground and I felt this watery, blueish aura. And when I moved away, the feeling was gone. Jess was here. I could feel it, I swear." he insists.

"Okay crazypants. As reluctant as I am to believe you, you're our best lead right now. Lead us to our fallen soldier." I command.

He gives me a dirty look. "Not fallen. Missing in action."

"Whatever." I shrug nonchalantly and look at John. "Are you a better driver than this wackjob?"

"I dunno. I could be."

"Alright kiddies. Get into the back seat. I'm giving you a driving lesson."

Jason frowns. "Do you even know how to drive?"

"Pfft." I say, waving my hand. "I'll figure it out. Now come on, If this is a wild goose chase, I want to realize sooner rather than later."

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