To TonDC We Go

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Bellamy POV:
"I can't treat poison! I don't have the antidote!" Abby said, obviously very scared for her daughter's life.
"Lincoln!" Raven thought. "Lincoln has some! Like win Finn!"
"No, Lincoln can't help us. We used all of it at the drop ship with Spacewalker!" I said.
"Then walk do we do?" Raven questioned.
"We go to the grounders. The grounder that shot Clarke said something about the Commander wanting Clarke. I don't know why. Maybe we can go to them, ask for a favor. Start an alliance!" I said, but I knew it wasn't a very good idea. But I also knew we had no other choice.
"The grounders?! Bellamy we can't do that!" Raven yelled.
I looked at Abby, this time speaking to her. "Abby, you're daughter will die if we don't get that antidote! And the grounders are the only ones that have it. I don't want the Princess to die, and I don't think you do either!"
"Alright, maybe they will be nice. Maybe they will want an alliance like us."  Abby replied.
"Well we don't have anytime to spare, and we'll have to take Clarke with us or she will die while we're gone."
I could tell it wasn't anybody's favorite idea, but I could also tell that nobody else had any other ideas.
"To TonDC then. Let's go then!" Raven said with a forced smile.
"I'll get Octavia. She knows the way. Abby, you get some guards, we leave in 5 minutes. I'll carry Clarke." Bellamy said as he picked up Clarke and made his way to Octavia's tent.

Short yeah, but I wonder what's gonna happen! Honestly haven't thought that far ahead yet, but it'll be exciting! What did ya think? Tell me in the comments! 👌🏽? 👌🏽. Well...✌🏽️

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