"Yeah I have to finish my shopping anyway. Haven't even thought about getting things for Dani yet." Liam said.

"I've gotta get going. Have to meet Greg out in Manchester today. Fancy joining me Harry?" Niall asked me.

"Yeah I'd like to stop by and see the old place. When ya leaving?" I asked.

"About now."

"Oh well then. Give me a half hour to stop home? I'll meet you at your house and we'll go from there."

Niall nodded his head in agreement. He kissed Care goodbye and Zayn and Liam followed him out. Louis and I stayed back a little longer.

"So, sorry for walking in on you guys all, well, ya know... this morning." I said beating around the bush.

"Yeah that was pretty damn embarrassing." She blushed and looked down.

"We ought to go now, you've gotta get ready for work." Louis said kissing her cheek.

She hugged us both goodbye and Louis continued out the door.

"Thanks for the tree. It really makes things special." Caroline said.

"I'm glad. Thought it would make this place more like home." I smiled.

I pecked her forehead quick then turned to the door.

"Oh by the way..." I added.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Nice rack." I said then slammed the door knowing I missed a slap across the face by a second.

I ran down to my car and looked up at her window she was standing at. She opened it up.

"To hell with you Harry Styles!" She joked.

"I love you too!"


(December 24th. 10 pm. Eleanor's Thoughts.)

"Alright Care should be coming through with Lou and minute so get down!" I yelled.

Tonight finally was Louis birthday and he wasn't expecting anything. I figured maybe I should be a good girlfriend and plan something for him. I head someone fiddling with the lock and we shut the lights off and got into a cluster near Care's bed where we would be seen. The door opened and we all stayed silent.

"I'm sorry for making you fix something for me on your birthday but I can't stand the creaky drawer in the kitchen anymore. Would you hit the light?" Caroline's asked.

Louis turned on the light and we all yelled and jumped at him. He was genuinely surprised and gave everyone a hug. He kissed me and then the side of Care's head and thanked us all for everything. We sat around in her living room awhile drinking some spiked cider and relaxing the night before Christmas. When 1 am rolled around we all started to leave.

"Thank you Care!" Louis said as we were walking out the door.

He took my hand and we descending the two flights of stairs and when we got outside a light snowfall was beginning to come down.

"Thank you for tonight love." Lou said to me.

"Anything for my lovely boyfriend." I said stopping then went up on my toes for a kiss.


(Christmas Morning. Caroline's Thoughts.)

Waking up in an apartment alone proved to be one of the strangest and scariest experiences for me. Though it had only been one night alone I knew it would need some getting used to. But in all honesty, most nights I probably wouldn't be alone, I'd have Niall or Liam or Harry or someone with me. I swung my legs over my bed and straightened out my white snowflake pyjama pants and the grey thermal I officially took for good from Niall them stood up. I slipped on fuzzy socks, my robe, my wool coat and my winter boots then grabbed my keys to head out the door. It was 7 in the morning but I had to get to my Mum's house for the day. I almost left without my presents but remembered them at the last second.

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