Chapter 5 Funeral

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The next morning I awoke next to Alec.  Alec awoke when I did and I realize that Alec is the perfect person for me, I don't ever want to lose him. My dad would kill me if he knew that I let alone had a in my room but in my bed. I read the clock and it read four o clock in the afternoon.

I had to call the funeral home to get things in place for grandpa's funeral. Lucky for me he had everything in place the only thing I had to do was write up the obituary, flowers and telling everyone. I had to go into house to get his address book so I can get the people's names. I sat there for two hours phoning people and listening to people say how sorry they were.

After I was done on the phone I started to cry again because I missed my grandfather so much. I don't remember my grandmothers death because I was only three. I only remember seeing her in photo's and my grandfathers stories. Alec came to my side and cuddled me for a bit. He said that I should right a poem for him. I looked at him and said "you are right."

The phone rang and Alec picked it up. He passed me the phone right away because it was my father. My dad asked me how I was and if I want to come to Washington and I told him no I do not.  I lied to him and said that Jayne's parents offered me to stay with them to finish school. He agreed to that he. He asked me when grandpa's funeral is and I told him that it is this Friday. He said okay i will call you then.

Friday morning came and my heart is breaking. Today is the day i say my final goodbyes to my grandfather. Alec has been staying with me. I got dressed and walked out to the car. Alec drove to the church where I got some alone time with my grandfather. Alec came in and a few minutes after more people cam in to pay there respects. The minister called for me to say goodbye before they closes the casket. Alec held my hand and as the sermon was read it held it together.  

Then it came time for me to read my last goodbye to my grandfather and this is what i said " Grandpa you always talked about the white dove you saw in your dreams, that white dove was grandma. Now you fly above us with her looking upon us. Your voice and your ways have in graved in all that new you. The stories you told, the memories you made will and shall always be remembered. Grandpa thank you for everything you have done for everyone. I love you and you will never be forgotten by all that knew you. So as you said once " The life of the dead is in the memory of the living" and yes it is grandpa. Until we meet again grandpa."

After I said the speech I started to cry.  Alec gave me a hug when i sat back down.  Finally its time to make the way to the cemetery. Alec was one of the Paul barriers. I followed behind the coffin and the people followed behind me.  After grandpa's coffin was laid on the grave Alec came and stood by me. He held my hand as the minister said the last prayer. We were all given a flower to lay on my grandfathers coffin.  As his and my grandmothers song began to play they lowed his coffin in the ground. At the end we all took a handful of dirt and threw in in the grave. People started to thin out and go home but Alec held me tight, till I was ready to go.  

As I made my way back to the car I saw a all black car and I knew it was my dad. Alec opened the door for me and I got in. We drove away from the cemetery and went to the park because I did not want to go home.  We walked through the park and we sat under a tree.  We awoke to the sun shining on our faces. I realized that there were ten missed calls from my dad but I don't care.

We went home and it made me tear up but as soon as I walked in a feeling of warmth hit me. At that moment I knew that my grandfather was at peace and with my grandmother. Everything was going to be okay.

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