Not Pretty

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-1 week later-
"Jagi..."Jae shook my shoulder.

I squinted my eyes and shooed him away.

"Jagi!"He twisted around.

I threw a pillow at him and covered my head with my blanket.

He started to jump on the bed and scream loudly,and and I mean loud,"JAGI!!!!"

"Alright, alright I'm up."I groaned as I sat up.

He hugged me tightly,"I missed you."

"Cute.Now let me go back to sleep."I said and covered my whole entire body.

He tried to pull the covers off of me but I wouldn't let him,"Jagi,let's go somewhere fun."

"No..."I said in annoyance.

"But jagi,why?"He asked with aegyo.

"I'm not pretty enough to go out in public, people will look at me weird."I said.

"I think you're pretty."He said in a quiet tone.

"Lies."I cried.

He sighed and went into the bathroom.
I was silently crying and I wasn't worried about my surroundings until I heard hair clippers. I jumped up and ran into the bathroom,"What are you doing?!?!"I asked my boyfriend who was shaving his hair off,"Making you look prettier."

"But oppa,you're an idol,JYP will be upset with you."

He finished shaving his hair and put a beanie on,"I guess that's too bad."He put his arm around me and kissed me on my head.

I felt alot better, he of course couldn't shave his head bald,but him shaving it really short was good enough.

"Oppa,where are we going?"I asked him while we walked down the street.

"I don't know, where do you want to go?"He asked.

"Ice cream!!!"I said with a wide smile.

"Your wish is my command."He grinned.

"Thank you oppa!"He handed me the ice cream cone and I tried my best to reach up to kiss him,considering he is a bit taller than me.

I sat next to him on the bench and ate the ice cream with the biggest smile,"Oppa,let's take a picture."

He agreed and we took one,"We look cute,right?"I asked.

"Yes,but you look cuter" He kissed my nose.

"Want some ice cream?"I asked in a sneaky voice.

He saw that evil grin on my face and backed away some,"Nah,I'm good."

I put some ice cream on his nose,"I win!"

"Yah..."He pouted.

I snapped a picture of him,"Now I officially win."

He smirked and I kissed his nose to remove the ice cream,"You cheated, I didn't have any ice cream to attack you back."He said.

"So...maybe next time."I kissed his nose again.

He put ice cream on my cheek and took a picture of me,"Fair enough."He kissed my cheek,"Now where?"

"I still want to meet the rest of Got7...can I?"I did aegyo to persuade him.

"Okay, but we have to stay quiet so Mr.Park won't hear or see us."He said.

I nodded with a smile.

~JYPE building~
Jae put his face mask back on and held my hand while we walked to the practice room.We walked inside and Yugyeom yelled,"JB hyung, thank god your back,Jackson and Bambam won't leave me alone!"

I giggled and everyone's attention froze on me,"Well hello."Jackson said.

"Hi..."I waved.

"This is my girlfriend,Sarah."JB said.

"Helllloooo."Mark said with a cute face.

I bowed to them all,"Hello."

"Don't be shy,dance with us."Jr. tugged my arm,"Well,be your new best friends,if you catch my drift."

I smiled,"Okay...I can't dance though."

"It's all good, we're about to take a break anyway."He said and pulled me over to where they had food spread out on the floor.
"FOOD TIIIMMMEEE!!!"Bambam and Mark screamed.

I sat next to Jae and everyone was eating except me,"You aren't hungry?"Jae asked.

"No...I'll eat later."I shook my head.

He pouted some.

-5 minutes later-
"If it's summer, and you two are wearing beanies,something must be going on."Youngjae said in suspicion.

"Yeah,what is going on?"Bambam said.

Jae and I looked at each then back at the other members,"Uhh nothing."I said.

Jr. who was sitting next to Jae lifted his hat up,just a little though,"What the-"

"Hyung, what did you do?Where's all your hair?Mr.Park is going to choke the hell out of you."Yugyeom said before looking at his hair.

"What about Sarah? Did she shave her hair too?"Jr. asked.

" fell out."I looked down.

The whole room got quiet and once again all the attention was on me,Jackson was first to speak,"Are you,sick?"


"Oh..."They all said in sync,"Forgive us."Mark purposely coughed.

The door opened and their manager came in,"Jaebum,Mr.Pa-" He paused,"Who is she?"

We all looked at each other.

I cleared my throat,"Hi?"

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