Not Such a Grump After All... //Arin(Egoraptor) x OC// [PART 1]

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[Disclaimer, there might be a lot of colorful language, but that's partially because this YouTuber curses a lot. Read accordingly.]
~Trisha's Point of View~

I stood in line at the local coffee shop, deep in thought about the animation I was currently working on. I barely noticed that the person in front of me finished ordering and walked away. I stepped up to the counter awkwardly.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The blonde behind the counter asked. "U-uh, can I have a double chocolate chip muffin, and a large iced caramel frappe?" I asked awkwardly. "Sure!" She smiled, picking up the cup. "What's your name?" She asked, picking up her Sharpie to write on the cup. "Trish." I responded, smiling slightly. She nodded, writing my name. "Pick up your order over there." She pointed to the other side of the counter. I nodded, walking over to the pick-up area. I waited, scrolling through my Twitter feed on my phone until I heard an employee behind the counter call my name. I paid him, and looked around.

It was actually pretty busy at the coffee shop. The booths were all taken except for one, and the small tables were mostly taken as well. I sighed, sitting in the one open booth. I took a sip of my coffee, and took my Kindle Fire HD out of my shoulder bag (because pocketbooks are overrated). I unlocked it, and opened up the app I use for animation. It's the closest thing to Flash that comes on a mobile device, and its basically what I can afford. I scrolled through some of the files until I found the one I was working on. I opened it. Staring at the screen, I sighed. This one will probably turn out awful, just like all the others...

I didn't even look up as the chime rang and more people walked in. I was too busy getting to work on the animation. I was working on a Pokemon animation, that goes along with a YouTubers gameplay. The Game Grumps, to be specific. I'd die if I met them in person, they're amazing. Especially Arin and Barry.

~Arin's Point of View~

I walked in a coffee shop, Barry, Ross, and Danny following right behind me. I looked around, realizing it was pretty crowded. "Should we just bring it back home?" I muttered to Barry. "Nah, we really need to get out more." We shared a chuckle, and walked to the counter. A blonde girl took our orders, and we went to pick them up. Barry, being the nice guy he is, offered to pay for all of us. We thanked him, and I looked around. "All the tables aren't big enough." Ross said. "No shit, Ross!" Dan chuckled.

I looked at a booth with one girl sitting there, seemingly absorbed in her tablet. "Do you think she'll mind if we ask to sit with her?" I asked Ross. He shrugged, "It doesn't hurt to ask." I nodded, and began to approach the booth. "U-uh, excuse me, but would you mind if my friends and I sat with you?"

~Trisha's Point of View~

I looked up, the voice sounding extremely familiar. My eyes widened, as I saw the Grumps themselves. "S-S-Serious-sly?? O-of c-course.." I said awkwardly, scooting to the wall side of the booth. Arin smiled. "Thanks!" He and Barry sat on my side, and Ross and Danny sat on the other side. I was still wide-eyed, staring at them in shock. "Y-y-you're... y-you're t-the Game Grumps..." I whispered in disbelief. Arin and Danny chuckled. "Why, yes." Ross said. Barry nodded, "So, you know of us?"

"Know of you?! You guys are awesome!" They all chuckled. "Why are you laughing? I'm not kidding! Y-You g-guys are the reason I g-got into animation!"

"Awww, really?" Barry asked. I nodded, trying to nonchalantly hide my tablet so no one would see or ask about it...But...God damn it Ross... "Is that an animation you were working on?" Ross asked with slightly interest. I froze. Should I tell the truth... or save myself the embarrassment...

[Hey guys, that was the part one! I hope you guys liked it! I don't know yet if I'll continue this as a series of one shots, or if I'll continue it at all... maybe if you guys want me to, I'll make it into its own story. Let me know in the comments what you think]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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