"Soon enough is not good enough. I need to know why and where you took her right now." I steamed. I was absolutely furious. 

"I'm sorry Sam and Dean. I am being called into heaven right now. When I have the time, I will explain soon enough. " With that, Bobby's body fell to the ground, and Dean caught him before he could hit the ground. 

Dean looked over at me, and his eyes read, "what the actual hell is going on." I shook my head, not understanding myself what happened five-seconds ago. All I know Bucky is gone, and I need to get her back soon, before something bad happens to her. 

Bucky's POV

"SAM!? DEAN!?" I called out.

I was in an all white room. It had a long white table, with all my favorite food from Afghanistan. There was a glass angel on the, wait for it, white dresser. My eyes were wide, and I felt like I was an animal in a small cage. Ready to break out at any moment. And I was the only one in here. With no doors or windows for me to escape out of. I slammed my fist into the wall, and didn't even make a dent.

"Sam! Help!" I  yelled out loudly. 

I was scared. I didn't know who kidnapped me. The only thing I can rule out is Hydra. But when Bobby's voice, called me Child, I knew immediately it wasn't him. It was Sam and Dean's angel buddy. Castiel. I paced the floor, trying to figure out a way out of here.

"Hello." A voice said, right in front of me.

If I had a knife on me, I would've pulled it out and stabbed him. I haven't met this guy yet. He was an older man, with balding hair, and wore a fancy suit and tie. 

"Where am I? Where are Sam and Dean?" I questioned.

"Oh all in good time you will know. Sit and relax, have some of your favorite food in the world. All the way from Afghanistan. You're our guest here Hyland." His voice was smooth and relaxing, but I didn't trust it one bit.

"No, I'm a prisoner here. Who the hell are you?" I backed up into the corner, and the man advanced near me.

"You don't have to be scared here Hyland. I'm your friend Zachariah. And I am an angel of the Lord. This is our little safe house here, that you're in. Do not think yourself as a prisoner, were trying to keep you safe and away from the demons that are after you. Trust me, Hyland, you don't want to be on their side. So, make me feel like a good host, and take some of our food." Zachariah told me.

"What do you mean "I don't want to be on their side?" Why do I have to pick a side? Im not a toy." I responded.

"No, you're not a toy, Hyland. You're a weapon. You dont get to pick a side. It's whatever side got to you first. And heaven did, so you're ours now. I hope you're okay with that." He smirked, in a devilish way ironically. 

"What?!" I backed into the dresser, and the glass angel fell. Shattering into a million places. The angel snapped his fingers, and it was fixed. "Im not anyones. If you're thinking about The Winter Soldier, that is a straight up no. She is not coming out again. I want to go home. Now." I demanded.

He laughed, and backed me into the corner again. Zachariah pulled out a long blade, and placed it against my neck. And of course my instincts kicked in. I grabbed his wrist and twisted his hand in a 360. He dropped the knife, and in a blink of an eye, I kicked the knife into my hands. And pointed it at his throat instead. 

"See this is the weapon I'm talking about. We could destroy the other side with your help. Don't you want to get rid of the man who turned you into a mindless assassin, Hyland?"

"If you start this war, millions of people on earth will be killed. I'm not going to be the winter soldier. I don't care. Torture me all you want, you can't hurt me. Im dead on the inside already, try your best. Bring me back to Sam." Zachariah started chuckling.

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