Chapter 4

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I turn off the TV a couple of hours later I call Elizabeth.
EL-hey what you need.
EM-nothing I just wanna know if you wanna have a sleep over?
EL-don't know who's gonna be there.
EM-Raelin,Maddie, Brittany,and us two.
EL-ok. What time.
EM-ok I'll text the girls.
EL-ok. See you there at your house right.
EM-yelp so ttyl. Bye
We hang up and I text the girls in a group message they all said they coming.


R-ok tomorrow what are we doing.
Ok I bet your wondering where my mom is. She's in New York. She left yesterday. So she said to invite some friends over.
EL-how about mall?
We all agree. I stayed quiet though.
EL-hey did y'all know that Emily met one direction?
They all looked at me.
EM-😶........ok.......fine yes.
M-omg really.
Then my phone went off.
I look to see a unknown number.
EM-does any one know this number?
I show the girls they shake there heads.
So I call the number and put it on speaker.
EM-umm who is this?
LT-yes Emily?
EM-I---I- I'm sorry. My life has been so ugh I don't know.
M-omg you and him had a fight but every quiz you took it was him.
LT-it's fine! And funny. Hey have you seen Kevin?
R-what the heck Louis. Oh can you hook me up with Harry?
LT-umm idk I'll give you his number umm?
R-Raelin Rae for short.
LT-ok Raelin. 
After he gives her his number.
EL-can I have Nialls?and I'm Elizabeth.
He gives her his number and everyone told everyone the boys numbers and the girls told their names.
EM-hey after school tomorrow wanna practice? 
LT-yeah sure.
EM-ok bye. 
After we hang up I ran to the bathroom and got my hair stuff and my makeup that I have for when the girls come over. I don't really do makeup. So we all talk and laugh and I do Raelins hair when she does Brittany when she does Maddies when she does Elizabeth's and she does mine. Next we do makeup  the same way but we have to wait till we finish. But I don't get mine done.

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