The City of Whitened Bones

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After another day of sailing, we came to Cuidad Blanca and anchored during the night. The next morning, I went on deck, eager to see the fabled City of Whitened Bones. Shading my eyes with one hand, I surveyed the landscape before me. It was not what I had expected.

To begin with, it was utterly flat. No majestic trees, no mountains, no dramatic waterfalls relieved its monotony. An endless stretch of white sand reflected the sun's glare and made my eyes water. Beyond it lay nothing but a scrubby forest of poison-green vegetation. There were no ruins: the city must have been razed to the ground.

Then I spied the round top of a single, low hill. I could not guess its distance from the beach, but it seized my attention at once. I frowned, unable to look away. What was so fascinating? And why did I feel a chill in my blood, despite the heat of the day?

"Mistress Bitter!" Jeremy's voice broke in on my musings. I turned towards the captain's quarters, lowering my hand and rubbing the back of it, where the sun was already beginning to burn my skin.

When I entered the great cabin, Jeremy, Jack, and Hector were all standing round the table, looking as grave as the Board of Admiralty. The table was covered with Jeremy's maps, crew assignments and lists of sites which were to be dug up.

"We are ready to go ashore," said Jeremy with a tight, confident smile, "and begin excavating the gold." His eyes slid from one restless captain to the other. "In an orderly fashion, gentlemen."

"Oh, naturally," Hector purred. He and Jack smiled obligingly. Neither man was quite convincing.

Jeremy turned his attention to me. "But you must understand, Miss Bitter; I cannot have Maroto observing my actions. He may yet prove to be a Spanish saboteur, for all I know."

My spine stiffened. "And what are you proposing? To lock him in the brig like a criminal?"

"No, my dear," he replied with a quiet chuckle. "However, it will be your task to remain here and keep an eye on him."

This put me in excellent spirits; I could not have conceived a better way to search Jeremy's papers than to be left to my own devices aboard the Medusa, whilst everyone else was occupied digging up gold on that bleak and unforgiving shore.

When we emerged from the great cabin, our boats were already being lowered, and the men were climbing aboard and taking up their oars. I approached Hector, intending to wish him every good fortune, but I was distracted by Jack the Monkey's odd behaviour. He sat frozen upon his master's shoulder, craning his neck to stare fixedly at Cuidad Blanca. Not even the tip of his tail was moving.

The pit of my stomach suddenly felt hollow. Hector was soon to set foot on those very sands. I hung back and tugged at his coat sleeve until he inclined his ear towards me. "Do you still keep it with you?" I whispered.

He glanced at me quickly, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile as he straightened up. With a quick, subtle movement of his hand, he indicated a chain about his neck. I nodded. "Good."

On that chain hung the small, golden Basilikon – a prize that had nearly cost both of us our lives. It was a talisman that protected the wearer from cold steel, shooting and stabbing, and I had given it to Hector on our wedding day, charging him to wear it always. It gave me some measure of relief to know he had it with him.

As we approached the gangway, the monkey leapt off Hector's shoulder with a loud shriek, and landed in my arms. He curled up like a hedgehog, tucking his head down as he began to tremble. Surprised, I tried to hand him back, but he clung to me with tiny, pitiful whimpers that pierced my heart.

Unsure of what to do, I cradled the furry little ball, rocking him as I have seen wild adult monkeys do with frightened offspring. He burrowed into the crook of my elbow and his small fingers clutched at my arm. Jack did not generally seek me out, but something had made him feel threatened, and he had turned to me with innocent trust. I folded my arms over the frightened monkey.

Pirates of the Caribbean:The Spanish Prisoner (Book 2 King's Messenger Series)Where stories live. Discover now