Chapter 10 - Frienenemys.

Start from the beginning

She nodded her head and she took a deep breathe.

"I know but it's hard to stay away from him. You've experienced how undeniably sweet and caring he is. He fell in love harder then me, that's just who he is. He falls easily and that's why it's harder for him but I understand, I'm going to try my best. I can't guarantee anything." I know it's hard, I've been there.

"That's the best thing you can do is try. You keep running back to each other, you make up then you fight and break up again. It needs to stop, for the sake of both you ever falling in love again. Think of it this way, every time you two see each other, it sends the progress you've made from being away from each other, back to square one. You need to try move on, if you two were made for each other then fate will bring you together but right now, it's not working. Justin is an incredibly sweet guy but he has no idea what he wants because your still in his life." Maybe I was being too harsh, I'm going to stop now.

I finish with a sympathetic smile. She needed to know, in no way was I trying to suggest she leaves him alone for my benefit.

"Thanks," She embraced me in a heartfelt hug, "I know I love him but I can't be with him. I think he deserves someone more like you, that kills me to say it but it's true. I see how much you make him happy and he's only known you for a week so go back to-" I cut her off.

What she didn't know was, I wasn't the one who didn't want a relationship, it was Justin. He put me in the friend-zone.

"No, please Sasha, I appreciate that coming from you but Justin doesn't like me that way." I say slightly embarrassed that I wasn't good enough for Justin.

"What?" She spits in utter shock.

"How do you know? He told me he thought you were too good for him, he said he liked you but-" I cut her off.

"He did?"

Did Justin really say that?

"Yeah." Sasha moved to the front desk and requested for three tickets to Paris, herself, her manager and friend I presume.


"Then why did he friend-zone me?" I then requested 3 tickets for Durban.

"Look, why don't we go for coffee and discuss this? I can read justin better than anyone. I'll help you, we seem to have a lot in common and I'd love to be friends." I knew the only reason she was a bitch to me before is because she thought I was trying to take Justin away from her.

"I would honestly love that and I've got time to kill." She smiles as we both pay for our tickets. It was ironic how here we were, both kind of involved with Justin in some way, yet she was from one world and I was from another. She was famous and I was as normal as normal could get.

"Meet me at Vida E?" I ask. It was the best coffee shop here.

"Yes definitely." She replies and I lift my bag and give it to the lady behind the counter.

She grabs her Prada bag while I grab my Louis Vuitton. The only reason I even had a bag that expensive was because of Justin.

We walk side by side laughing and talking about random stuff until I come across Ciara and Matty at KFC, real classy. They don't notice Sasha and I straight away. I watch as they are laughing and sipping on milkshakes. Since when did they get so friendly?

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