Chapter 13 Olivia

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Hey guys!
We're coming close to the end of the book so things are gonna get a little more intense. I also will keep this book at a safe pg-13 and not write anything really explicit so you can uncover your eyes. *smiles assuringly and pats your shoulder* anyway...hope you guys enjoy the rest of Tristan and Olivia's story. VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!
"So what did you want to tell me, Tristan?"I was lying on his huge bouncy bed on my stomach. His back was turned to me as he looked out the window. He looked so intense. So sexy.... Ever since Sean told me to go for it with Tristan that's all I had been thinking about. I loved him and I wanted to make it official between us.
"Ainsley and Joseph have... Plans." My ears perked up. What?
"Plans? Like what?" He sighed. This must be really hard on him. Watching his dad become, for all practical purposes, a villain.
"Like illegally trading goods, Olivia. Dammit. He's a fucking smuggler. It's crazy. I never thought... My dad! Fuck him!" He paced, rubbing his hand on his cheek. I stood up and stopped him.
"Tris... Calm down. Please. I know he's a bad person but we have to hang in there. We're doing the right thing and until he goes to jail we need to act like he has the upper hand ok?" I leaned in and kissed his cheek and he inhaled sharply.
"Olivia," he whispered, burying his nose in my neck. "Olivia, I can't live without you. I love you so much. Fuck, you smell so good...." He inhaled again. I smiled.
"Do I smell like bacon?" He froze and pulled away. He cocked one eyebrow and I laughed. He smiled mischievously before he tackled me onto the bed and I shrieked. He started tickling me everywhere and I struggled to get out of his merciless grip but failed miserably.
"Tristan! I can't breathe! Oh my god Tristan STOP!" I shrieked again. His face was suddenly in front of mine and he stopped. I breathed heavily as he stared at me.
"Damn," he said huskily. "How are you always so sexy?" He kissed my head, my nose, my lips, my chin, my neck, and my collar bones, but he stopped at my chest and looked up to me for permission. I couldn't breathe, but it was a different kind of pain as before.
"Please," I choked out. His eyes darkened and he continued. He started opening the buttons of my shirt with his teeth and he growled.
"Jeez I wonder where the dog is, Tris." I couldn't help it. I laughed. He glared at me. I stopped immediately. "Continue," I gestured. Slowly he made his way to the button of my pants. He kissed it and I moaned. I could feel his smile on my skin and he undid the button and the zipper and let my precious pants fall to the floor. He stood up to admire his handiwork. I grew hot as his eyes traveled down the length of me appreciatively. He growled again.
"My Olivia," he crawled over me and started kissing me again. My head swam and I couldn't think. My body burned with his lips. He seared me wherever he went and I loved it.
"Tristan please, stop, you're torturing me," I groaned out.
"Be patient, Olivia, let me love you, ravish you. Let me remove every doubt from your mind, darling." His words filled me with emotion. He stood up again and I almost asked him why he stopped but when I looked up his shirt was off and I couldn't speak. He undid his pants and I could see the length of him through is flimsy boxers. My eyes popped. Holy crap... Wasn't that going to hurt? He must have read my thoughts.
"I promise I'll be gentle, Olivia." I nodded and swallowed. He slowly had me completely naked on this bed. How did I get here? Why isn't he kissing me already? But suddenly his hand touched the most sensitive part of my anatomy and my hips bucked on their own accord. He soothed me and kissed my hair. He touched me everywhere as he positioned himself.
"I love you Olivia, you're the only one. My flower, my sunshine. My life, my love. Oh darling let me make you forget," he said as he plunged in.
Phew! So that was... Wow. I didn't even mean to write that. Anyway I decided to cut it short so I didn't ruin the emotion and feeling of the chapter. Sorry it's so short but I felt like I had to have this stand by itself. I know I said I would keep this pg-13 so if this is a little but more than you expected I understand. DONT HATE ME! *cries*
Love you guys! And if you haven't yet go read my other new book emerald eyes. Thanks guys. XOXO

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