Chapter 3 Tristan

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ainsley Hawthorne

Hey guys!

Let's see what happens as Liv and Tristan's first meeting gets closer! PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT! I love you all, thanks!

This chapter is dedicated to my very good friend iriskim0914.


I stared at my schedule, confused. I had never seen anything like it. It was so hectic and overwhelming. I sighed and put my head up against the wall. School started tomorrow and he didn't know a thing about it. I was sure I wouldn't need any help getting assistance, but it would bother me until I got used to it which could take a while. I looked up at a sudden knock at the door. Jefferson stood at the door.

"Young sir, there is an exceptionally beautiful young woman here to see you. She says her name is Ainsley?" I groaned as I took my glasses off. The last person I need to see right now was Ainsley. I didn't need anymore of her shit. She wanted me to go back to my old school where she was and wouldn't leave me alone about it. It was her fault I was going to Belleford anyway. I wanted to punch something.

"Send her in Jefferson." I said and put my feet up on the coffee table. Ainsley walked into his living room wearing the skimpiest dress he had ever seen. Jefferson could not keep his eyes off of her half exposed breasts and I dragged a hand down my face. "Thank you Jefferson. You may leave now." Jefferson took one last look at Ainsley while she scowled at him and turned away.

"What's with the pervs in this place. You'd think that such a rich, handsome man would keep great help." She said slowly slipping onto the couch with me. She pulled her legs up so I could see her black lace panties. She dragged a finger down my face. A seventeen year old girl should not be acting anything like this but here I was with slut number 1. She had probably slept with twenty men or more men. Maybe she even had children out there somewhere. I had never touched her in any way. Her constant advances made her unattractive and altogether creepy. She was beautiful and maybe some day some other very unfortunate man will be stuck with her for the rest of his life. The problem for me was that I needed to find another girl. One that was sweet, funny, beautiful, and nowhere close to as materialistic and greedy as Ainsley was.

"Why are you here, Ainsley?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see my boyfriend. You know, the one who will be around all of that garbage."

"Ainsley, stop now." I said through gritted teeth.

"Why, darling? I'll miss you when you're gone. I just don't want you to traipse around with those poor girls and boys. Ugh! How can you even live like this?" I shook my head and got up from the couch.

"Could you just leave? I am a little stressed out at the moment and I need some time to get things straightened out." She huffed and turned to walk out and I heard Jefferson yell after her. I hated Ainsley. I couldn't stand her. Yet I was forced to be with her. I just needed to find someone else or convince my dad that she wasn't right for me. But how?


As I walked into school on the first day everyone stared at me. Some of the girls dropped their books and squealed. I just smiled and walked to my locker with Jefferson plodding in front of me. My first class was chemistry and when I walked in I saw everyone's mouths drop open.

" Mr. Vanderbilt?" Mrs. Sheldon's voice went higher and higher with every word.

"Yes," I gave her my killer smile and all the girls swooned.

"Pl...please s..sit down." He nodded and took out his books to take notes.

Chemistry passed really quickly. Everyone made sure to bump into me on the way out and yell, "OMG I TOUCHED HIM!" I rolled my eyes. I knew it was going to be like this. I wondered when it would get better. As I walked out of the room Mrs. Sheldon stopped me.

The Match Maker's MatchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora