Thirteen: Saving FIRESTORM

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"Hey. Anything?" Barry asks as we walk into STAR Labs. He hasn't let go of my hand since we left the Picture News.

Wells rolls in. "I have an idea. It's a bit of a 'Hail Mary,' but Cisco and I are gonna give it a try."

"Thank you," Caitlin says quietly.

"We'll get Professor Stein," Barry and I turn back to head to the other room when Cisco runs in.

"Looking for the Professor? Yeah, he's gone," he announces dramatically.

I let go of Barry and walk to Wells while Barry runs to get his suit.

Wells and Cisco quickly work on making what they say might be able to separate the two. It looks super science-y and complicated. Caitlin is working on tracking Stein.

"You guys almost done?" Barry walks in.

"Wow, I haven't seen you in the Flash suit with the mask off before," I wink. He shrugs as if embarrassed and exits the room.

"Hang on, hang on!" Cisco says.

Caitlin enters, stating, "I found Stein. He's in the bad lands, middle of nowhere. 30 miles outside Central City."

"Minimum safe distance."

"He's sacrificing himself," Wells realizes. He pauses for a moment before getting back to the device.

"How much time does he have left?" Barry asks.

"Twelve minutes," Cisco says grimly.

"Blow," Wells says to me. I blow gently at the device so it's not too hot to touch. The steam and small sparks disappear a few seconds later. "And... we're done."

"What is it?"

Wells snaps on the top. "This is a quantum splicer."

"Will it work to separate them?" I ask.

"We'll know in twelve minutes. Now, Barry, even you can't outrun a nuclear blast so you get this device to Professor Stein and you get out of there as fast as you can." Just as he finishes, Caitlin snatches the splicer and runs over to get her coat.

"Caitlin, no!"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going with you," she states defiantly. After that, I'm positive no one will convince her otherwise.

"No, you're not."

"It's too dangerous," Wells agrees just as angrily as Barry.

"Barry doesn't know how to operate the splicer."

"Cisco's gonna talk me through it-"

"There's not enough time. Let's go."

"GO!" Wells says.

"Don't die on me, Allen," I warn him.

Barry picks up Caitlin (no, I'm not feeling jealous at all) and runs out of the lab.

Something in Cisco's phone beeps as he rushes over to get to that and the computers.

"What was that?"

"Uh, com system's on the fritz. I'll be right back." Cisco leaves with his phone as Wells goes over to the computer and type something quickly.

"What are you doing, Doctor Wells?"

"I'm getting Barry on the line, and I'm finishing up a last-minute gift design. All of us are rushing to make sure Barry and Caitlin get there in time to save Professor Stein. Plus, I don't have much time to do it."

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