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If you were to ask Louis why he was walking down the street at six in the morning (an ungodly hour honestly, he was supposed to be sleeping in) juggling two cups of coffee on a box of records most definitely not grumbling to himself.

He would simply say it's because he's a damn good friend, and also because Nick Fucking Grimshaw thinks it's okay to just not show up to work without a notice in advance therefore forcing those who were not supposed to be working to show up instead (again, honestly) but here he is bringing coffee along with the requested box of records for Niall who asked him to come into work on short notice. (and seriously fuck Grimshaw).

Disclaimer: I do not own One Direction, nor any of the people involved in these stories. They are purely pieces of fiction. I do not have a beta to read over my work so any and all mistakes you find are my own and if you find any it would be greatly appreciated if you were to point them out to me.  

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