Chapter 8: Confession

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"I may of let your brothers escape, your not going anywhere! My men and I crave you."

Philippines was in her cell, lying on her bed looking very frustrated. Her hair was in a great mess. She was wearing her White shirt and Red skirt that America had sewn up for her after Britain tore them apart within seconds. No doubt that he'll rip them off again for another round.

"Don't get ahead of yourself....Kuya Spain will find you and kill you once and for all. I bet him and Roma..."

She was panting and trying to catch her breath back. Her body was aching all over because of Britain and his crew. Then the thought of Romano just slammed into her head. Philippines was feeling guilty. She was the reason why she is here at the start. If she wasn't so pissed at Romano, maybe they would've escaped the British man. Her eyes started to tear up from the corners, in seconds the whole water line was full of tears. And when her eyes couldn't take it any longer; she started to cry.

"O-oh o-oh god."

"What? Did I finally manage to break you apart? please keep it up I just love your ins...."

The two nations heard footsteps coming towards the door, who was it? Then, right on cue, the blond hair blue eyed man came bursting in in happiness and shock. the other two tilted their heads towards the American who apparently had important news.

"I was told to tell you a message sir. There are Spanish ships coming from port. What should we do?"

"Oh God dammit! that Spanish guy is desperate isn't he?....America? Look after the girl while I'm out taking care of things. Do what you want to her ok?"

"Ok!" America said with a bit of excitement in his voice. Maria was about to slide off her bed and try to hide before America could see her. But she Failed badly.

"Umm.....I'm not going to rape you if that's what your thinking. I was wondering if I could quickly discuss something with you. Is that ok?"

Philippines just nodded. She sat back on her bed; America came up to her and sat next to her and they began to talk....


Spain was sending all of the ships he can to save her through force. But there were no good results every time they came back. He was circling around his room thinking of a way to either pay the ransom of Britain or how to get Philippines back with force. He was worried about his little girl. From apparently her virginity being taken away by the Brit. He would never talk to Romano because in his mind it was all his fault that they are in this mess. Spain's bosses are questioning why they still have him. he's a handful to look after and always hurts all of them, and now this!? Losing the only Asian Nation they had?

Mexico is now 27 years old. And still working for Spain. He too is also not talking to Romano anymore. He thought of Philippines as his sister without a doubt! when it comes to lunch or tea time, he would get what he needed and rush to his room to stay away from everyone else. Because, he can't have one meal with them without an argument between Spain and Romano and he hated it! The only one who he will let into his room was Belgium. They talked and talked until something came up or The Netherlands wanted his sister to stay away from boys.

Romano is still very gutted. How could he let this happen? He should of been following orders. Not terrifying Philippines by pinning her up to the wall. He should of known better! He kept on saying to himself. His leg was still in a throbbing pain from when Britain shot him. That was the last time he saw her. A few days before she was taken, he actually started to develop a LITTLE crush on her. He wanted to confess to her, but he was scared that he'll get stabbed by a quill again. In the middle of the night, he would sometimes go to her ghost room and sleep there for the night. And somehow never got caught. You can tell that he was the one who missed her the most. Even though he never showed it. No one will ever talk to him, so no one did know. Like if they wanted to know.

"Spain? Where are you?" Asked a very worried Belgium.

"I'm going to get her myself." Spain said a little bit scared but still determined.

"N-NO!!!" Belgium shouted. "You can't! Its too dangerous! I-I wont let you." She started to tear up.

"Look, Bell." He cupped his hands around her face. "I understand why you don't want me to go...But I have to do this Because I'm responsible for Romano at the end of the day aren't I?"

"O-ok, Spain. Just don't die, at least promise me that." she whimpered out quietly.

"I promise. Please look after the house when I'm gone. Feed the others and yes that includes Romano." He kissed her forehead; put his fluffy hat on and coat and said goodbye to Belgium. What the two didn't know was that Romano was in the bathroom at the time. He was there for a s--WAIT WHY AM I TYPING THIS!?!?!? When his ears came across the conversation Belgium and Spain were having and a giant wave of shock slammed into his head. He walked out of the bathroom normally and walked upstairs shutting the door behind him in his bedroom. 'He's going out for her himself?' He thought in his head over and over again until his mind finally got the point. He was furious! He went storming out of his room and without looking he bumped into Mexico.

"CHIGIIII!!!!! Sorry M-Mexico I-I didn't see you there...."

"Romano.....You heard it too didn't you?" He said in a dull voice.

"WHOA!!!! You talked to me! after months!" he exclaimed.

"I know. But onto more important things. Spain has gone to get her by himself....He can't do that! not Without us anyway."

"I agree." Romano stated.

"But it's his decision." He said a tiny bit playfully "He is the one out of all of us that loves her the most right, Romano?"

Romano's face just burned up like a tomato. In his mind He's the one who loves her the most. He was about to open his mouth to say something but then Mexico beat him to it.

"I knew it!" He said with a dark smirk on his face. "You love her don't you?" he said doing the eyebrow gesture.

"U-uh I-I What makes you say that?" Romano asked Nervously.

His smile was turning into like a rape face now " You were Sleeping on her bed for the past week. You little Pedo." He said waving his finger

"SHUTUP!!!" he shouted.

"Oh so it is true! Your not denying it, so I'll take it as a yes Si?" He said playfully

"........................S-si...."Romano mumbled.

"What? I can't hear you." He said secretly putting his mini tape on record in his pocket.


Mexico pushed the stop button quietly and said "Yes I'm happy...Um are we cool now?"

Romano had a confused look on his face. "Of course!"

"Good....I'm glad to hear that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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