Chapter 3: Incoherent Babbling!!

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Romano felt his stomach being stomped on, waking up in a pain. "...Ngh...." He groaned out, grabbing the ankle connected to the foot, sending out an irritated glare at her. It's been about three years since she came to live within the Spanish Empire.

"Oh there you are." Philippines said with an irritated smirk on her face.

"Y-yes, you damn bitch..." replied back to her, his grip getting tighter. "But probably already knew that..." His face paled as he gritted his teeth. Knowing her, she probably saw him already and stepped on him on purpose. She was just like that with him. Why else would she have stopped him so hard, he thought his ribs were going to break?

"Hmph. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. We'll never know," she said, taking her foot off and walking off. Romano sat up in a hurry, rubbing his stomach.

"What no apology?!" he yells at her, an irritated look on his face.

"Why should I? You were sleeping on the job," she stated continuing to walk away. Philippines set the broom on her shoulder.

"...I should've expected that out of the she-demon..." he mumbled to himself. However, it was apparently loud enough for Filipinas to hear as she stopped in her tracks and turned back to him.

Spain walked with a man with dark brown hair and a mole underneath his left corner of his lips. They were chatting about something, though it was just idle chatter, things that weren't too important. Well, not too important, politics and government-wise, just to morality things in general. It was rather difficult for Spain to not let his Asian colony wreak her clothes and her body. She was an islander and very athletic in this type of work. And even is she was rather good at keeping things clean, she was terrible at keeping herself in order.

"Filipinas is almost always tearing up her clothes because my bosses make her clean rather dangerous places. Not only that, but though I never really mind her ever dressing like that, she gets in trouble with my boss because she never dresses properly in front of him."

"So basically you need more clothes for her?" asked the man, an exasperated sigh escaping his lips, a thick accent of German in his voice. He scratched the back of his head, looking down at the floor and then back to Spain. "I suppose I can see vhat I can do for you. Let me see her. Perhaps she can fit into Veniciano's clothes. So vhere is this colony of yours?"

"Ah! Fr-fratello!!" cried the little girl, in a rather worried and squeamish tone. Spain turned quickly to where he was pointing and saw Philippines slapping the daylights out of Romano.

"A She-demon, am I?" she said with a rather irked smile in her lips. She obviously didn't like being called that, only making the situation worse by acting like that.

"Agh!! S-SPAIN, SAVE ME!!" he cried out

"No otra vez!" jumped Spain, putting back down the little girl and running over to the two, breaking up the fight. He breathed a rather heavy sigh as she skipped backwards with a annoyed look on her face. "Filipinas, tienes que controlar ese mal genio que tienes! Have more self control, won't you?"

Filipinas rotated her neck, her hand on the joint between her neck and shoulders before staring back up at him. She breathed an annoyed sigh, a rather irritated look on her face, before she picked up her broom. "Fine...But just so you know, he was sleeping on the job," she stated as she walked away.

"At least I didn't step on anyone when I try to wake someone up you damn she-dem—!!" protested Romano before being interrupted in the middle of his sentence.

A flying kick to Romano's face allowed another fight to start again. "Filipinas, knock it OFF!!" yelled Spain in a manner of worry and frustration.

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