Chapter 6: Helpless...

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It hurts. From being shot five times to being a hostage, it could not get any worse. Multiple shots were made and angry shouts of protests from the Spaniard's soldiers were called out to the British nation, only to have cannonballs sent flying from the ship to the city. He heard Belgium and Mexico crying out someone, Belgium rushing to his side and Mexico cursing in Spanish at the receding ship. Once it was gone, they all quieted down. He could feel their gazes turning to his direction, his shame growing worse with every new gaze. No one spoke a word to him, not even a glance of pity was made towards him

It was all his fault. All of his entire damn fault.

It didn't matter how many bullets were lodged up inside of him, the damage was done. The Filipino island was captured and sailing too far out of reach for them. He could beg, he could scream, they could all extend their hands to her, but the point was that no one could be able to reach her. No matter what they said or did, there was no way she could be reached.

Once everything seemed to have calmed down a new uproar made its way towards the surface for the next following days. At first he didn't really notice it, but little by little, he would hear small murmurs and whispers, all of which irritated him and set his mind to unease. It wasn't made clear for a while till that he had overheard some of the officials speaking with Spain

"Because of that boy, we've lost one of our most valuable colonies!"

"Honestly, I don't understand why you let him be one of her bodyguards. I knew this would happen from the start."

"Why the hell are we still keeping him?"

He wanted to burst inside of the room and tell them to shut up. Scream at them, tell them to stop it, tell them to stop it because he knew it already. But no words could form from his lips. They wouldn't come out. His helpless pleas for redemption wouldn't be heard through their manner. He chose the worst time to snap and because of that he was paying his price. Belgium and Spain weren't blaming him, instead they told him they should have listened to her and agreed that he couldn't do anything this big. He was too weak and letting him try to protect her was the worst mistake they have ever made.

"I should've known better."

"Spain, you shouldn't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

"It is my fault. I knew he couldn't protect her, but I thought all his training would pay off during this. I was foolish to think that he would've gotten stronger."

Romano had heard their conversation that night

Mexico...He acted like he wasn't mad, but in truth, he was furious, finally snapping at him and throwing everything handy at him. The two kept their distance on Spain's advice, at least till Mexico calmed down. And even then, he never spoke once to him, never looked at him. He loathed Romano for letting Great Britain capture her.

Some finally started to take pity on him, but for the most part, no one spoke to him for a long time. No one asked him to do anything or go anywhere. For the first time in a long time of working for him, he wasn't once asked to do chores. And when he tried, someone said there was no need and took up that was upsetting; it was like they wanted him to remember that he's just useless Romano...


"So, uh...d-do you like the room?" A man with blonde hair and blue eyes stepped into the room. It had been quite a long time since she's been here, almost an entire century. But the feeling was more betrayal than nostalgic, as she was taken back here to act as a prisoner.

Philippines said not a single word. She hadn't spoken since she got onto the ship, and even when they arrived in Manila, she still didn't speak, at least not in accurate English, like she was taught to on the ship. The foreign man sighed to himself. She was still being rather difficult, wasn't she? He's never meant any women or girls quite like this before. Most of the ones he did know were what Mr. Britain called 'Proper ladies', knowing when to hold their tongue and when to speak.

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