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Beware this is a very very short chapter

Astrids dream

Oh no oh no I was walking on my way to the wedding but somehow got lost in the process and I didn't have stormfly with me she was waiting for me at the cove with the rest
"aahh" I yelled dagur had just come out of the bushes wearing a tux that looked like hiccups and two rings that I know was mine and hiccups marriage rings
" oh no WHAT DID YOY DO TO HIM" I yelled scared
" oh he's fine it should be the other people and dragons that you should be worried about my beautiful wife"
"i am not your wife and never will be" I yelled at him turned around and started running towards the cove I had some how new instantly knew were the cove was and as I was running my dress got ripped and got mud and dirt on it and in my hair as I tripped I heard dagur yelling madly
"you will never get away from me beautiful and if you don't marry me I will kill hiccup" and started laughing like a mad man
I finally got to the cove and was horrified by what I saw every single person was dead and so was the dragons all except hiccup who wasn't dead he was tied to a tree and I started running to him but just about as I was going to kiss and hug him dagur came in front of home and I ended up kissing him I could see the pain in hiccups face and success in dagurs face
"want to practice kissing do you we can do it again if you want" he said and I tried to pull away but he took out a small dagger and pressed against hiccups neck
"you just have to marry me and hiccup will not die"
I was so frightend but I had to say yes I couldn't just let him die so I nodded yes
"in sorry hiccup" I whispered
" alright so do you Astrid take me daggur the deranged to be your husband"-"yes"-"and do I daggur take Astrid hofferson to be my wife I do alright myself you may kiss your bride" I could see hiccups face with to many emotions to tell and tears falling down and the same with me I could only just see his face and dagur leaned down to me and tried to open up my mouth I was to weak to stop him so I just let him go with it and he started French kissing me dagur had finally pulled apart and looked at hiccup who had a destroyed face on and dagur was satisfied and turned to me and slipped my ring on me and pu hiccups on himself
" there we are now there's a good bride and since your married to me you won't need this fishbone" he toook out his dagger again and pushed it against hiccups throat
"you said you would let him go and not hurt him"
"what can I say I lied" and he slit hiccups head of him

I was not trying to make it scary and failed if you thought I was and next chapter should be in a few days already started writing it

how to train your Dragon: our future togetherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora