Chapter 5

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81. Don't waste your life trying to impress other people.Do what you love, love what you do.

82. 3 stupid stages of life!

Teen age:

Have time+Energy...but no Money

Working age:

Have money+Energy...but no Time

Old age:

Have time+Money...but no Energy

83. My ATTITUDE is based on how you treat ME..

84. God has a reason for allowing things to happen.We may never understand hia wisdom but we simply have to trust his will.

85. I don't know why destiny allowed some people to meet when there's no way for them to be together..

86. A promise means everything but when it's broken....sorry means nothing...

87. You'll never be BRAVE if you don't get HURT

You'll never LEARN if you don't make MISTAKES

You'll never be SUCCESSFUL if you don't encounter FAILURE

88. BE YOURSELF.....because an orginal is always worth more than a copy.

89. It's painful to say goodbye to someone that you don't want to let go, but it's more painful to ask someone to STAY if you know they really want to go.

90. Everyone tells me that I have changed...but the truth is I've just stopped living my life their way..

91. Sometimes you have to give up on people not because you don't care but because THEY DON'T

92. The worst feeling isin't being lonely, it's being forgotten by someone you'd never forget.

93. MY EX- ? We're not friends, we're not enemies...we're just strangers with some memories

94. Unplanned moments are always better than planned ones

95. Everything in life is tenporary. So if things are going good enjoy it, because they won't last FOREVER. And if things are going bad, don't worry it CAN'T last FOREVER either!

96. If this love only exist in my dreams, don't wake me up

97. A true relatipnship is someone who accepts your past, supports your present & LOVES YOU & encourages your future

98. I am a good enough person to FORGIVE you but not stupid enough to TRUST you again!

99. Tell a girl she's BEAUTIFUL, she'll believe it for a moment

Tell a girl she's UGLY,she'll believe it for a lifetime...

100. SMILE and SILENCE are two powerful tools. SMILE is a way to solve many problem & SILENCE is the way to AVOID many problems

Comment and tell me which was your favourite!!

QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora