I husky chuckle escaped his lips, "Guess again, love."

My eyes widened in astonishment at how familiar this voice was. But of course, my mind couldn't place him. How convinient.

When I didn't respond for the longest time, he sighed. "I see, still stuck up on that little arrogant vampire."

I wanted to scream no, but I was scared. I didn't answer and once again, he sighed. Slowly, but hesitantly, watching my every move, he got off me.

"I'll see you soon. And that time I shall make sure you remember me. Good bye until then, my beautiful."

And then just like nothing happened, he vanished into thin air.

Just after that incident, I was making myself tacos. Yeah, don't judge me. I like to eat when I'm scared. That's when the front door opened and immediately I ducked down hoping I was hidden, I didn't want that English freak coming in and spotting me again.

But thankfully, it was just Damon. I stood up again and saw his amused face. But then he probably remembered he was mad at me and his smile vanished replaced by a scowl. This was just frustrating. What did I even do?

I had to find out. "Hi Damon! How was your day?"

He gave me a look that told me he was doubting my sanity, but that was just stupid. He already knew I was insane. "First, we- you and I don't do greetings mostly. Second, why the hell should I tell you?"

"Ah, so still mad, are we?" I said sompletely formal. "Damon, as much as I hate to say this. I BEG you to tell me what I did."

He laughed,"Never in more than a whole century did I think you would beg me to do something."

"Uh... I didn't beg you to do something, I begged you to say something. But that is totally beside the point. All I wanna know is why you're mad. Don't make it harder for me than it already is."

He chuckled. "Megan..."

And that was when he saw the tacos.

"Tacos? What happened Megan?" He asked, his tone dead serious.

I laughed, Damon, my protective brother. "Nothing." I said, trying my best to ignore it. But I guess my nervous smile gave it away.

"Megan Annabelle Salvatore." He said sternly. "What happened?"

Oh no, he used the whole name. "Nothing!" I said not knowing what to say.

He chuckled. No not the 'you're so funny chuckle' it was the 'I'm frustrated, better tell me whats wrong chuckle.' "Megan, I've known you all my life. I know for a fact that you only eat tacos when you're upset or scared. I know that you were trying to hide when I entered. I know that very formal tone you were using, hoping I don't get the hint of how frightened you are from your voice. I know that nervous smile you gave me because you were worried I would realize something was wrong. I know you're looking away from me, avoiding eye contact because I've figured out something is wrong."

Oh god, how did he do this? Trust me, he wasn't this smart. Even when all this was happening, I couldn't help but wonder, in the back of my mind, that he knew so much about me and I felt happy about it. "Uhh..." Was my genius response.

He just smiled when he realized he was right. ''Megan, like l said l know you better than yourself. Now do us both a favor and tell me whats wrong this instant." He said so seriousy, that for a second, I forgot he was just Damon.

"Damon..." I sighed, "Why do you wanna know? I mean, you are angry with me after all... right?"

He shook his head, "I am angry Megan, but did you try to think why I am angry?"

I thought about it, but seeing how I did nothing, nothing came to mind. "No."

"Whatever, now listen. Even when I'm mad, I want you to know, I will not tolerate it if you don't tell me what makes you upset or scared. Understand?"

I nodded, but again, at the back of my mind I couldn't help but feel happy he was being so nice. "Understood."

He smiled. And this wasn't his famous smirk, it was a simple, genuine smile which melted my heart. "Okay the, tell me now please?"

I spent the next few minutes explaining to him what had happened. When I finish, he looks like he's going to murder someone.

"How could you not get a close look at him? Some guy breaks into a vampires house- MY house to be precise- and scares YOU! Who has the guts? Megan, anything? Anything at all? Any clue?"

I thought about it until I realized, "He was definitely strong and looked like he knew what he was doing. He also sounded like he knew me. No, not sounded like, he definitely knew me. And he had an english accent."

Damon nodded, "Anything more? His hair? Height? Anything? Will you be able to recognize him if you see him?"

"I'll get his voice." I confirmed.

He nodded and then got up. "Okay, let me know if something like that happens again."

He was about to walk away, but now was my chance, "Damon, uh... now that we're on talking terms again, why were you angry?"

He gazed into my eyes for the longest minute before sighing and whispering, "Megan, listen." He paused and then took a deep breath to continue, "I was mad..."

*Tyler Lockwood*

I was so mad! After everything... after everything Megan went off to Jeremy Gilbert, that excuse for a boyfriend. Please, that excuse for a teenager!

I was just driving by the cemetry when I spotted her car. I got down to check if she was okay and what I saw told me she was beyond okay. Jeremy and her sat on the grass, both covered in dirt, messy hair, holding hands, smiling at each other as if in a cheesy romance movie. What I thought, anyone would think.

Angrily I got back home. I really liked Megan, and now well, I think what Bonnie said was right. What does she even think of herself? I left Vickie for her! And Vickie is pretty hot- but that's not the point.

The point is, she cheated on me.


So that's another chapter by damons_girl21. Yeah, it was damons_gurl's turn, but she's got exams and classes and babysitting to do. And she was so busy, so I decided I could write her chapter.

So just please tell me you thought it was Damon for a second when you were reading it- the guy who pushed her against the wall and called her 'love.' Because, I swear, I was going to write Damon but right when I start typing, I type something else and so decide to continue with what I was writing.

Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter, if you did,you know what to do- vote, comment and fan!!! I would love you forever if you did that!!!

Next chapter should be updated next week... i guess.

Hasta la vista until then, 


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