traveling to hell and back just for a random guy named Cole

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"I swear the map said go left on Mulley st." I repeated at Jayme for the 5th time
"Then why are we not there yet??" She turned to look at the map.
"Jocelyn." She said in an exasperated tone
"THE MAP IS UPSIDE DOWN!" She yelled at me
"Well that explains a lot...." I mumbled as I moved the map the right way.
"Why don't you drive and I give directions?" Jayme suggested
"Yeah OK.." I mumbled

We got there a few streets away I'm less than 6 minutes
"Let's get a hotel our some thing for the night it's too late to just knock on his door." Jayme yawned.
"Yeah okay.." I agreed still irritated that we were so close yet I couldn't find the stupid house to save my life.
"There is a motel up there. I'll check us in." I said getting out of the car and walking up to the lobby.

It is my job to deal with things like this. Being the face of the group is so much work.

I walked up to the counter and smiled at the man working. It it's obvious that he is super bored with life in general. The poor guy, two years ago I would have totally been in the same place.

"Hello miss" he smiled. I must have done good with my make up because he was instantly puddy in my hands.
"Oh hello," I smiled and blushed, something I had mostly full control over at this point," it's there a room open? Me and my friend got lost and are just too sleepy to continue on our way."
"Um yes of course. Here is your room key." He studered handing me a card.
"Thank you how much do I owe you?"
"Oh it's on me. Here is my number if you get lost again just give me a call." He winked
"Oh thank you" I giggled. I took the number and went to get Jayme.

"So how much was it?" Jayme questioned noticing the card I had in my hand.
"Um let's see.. I got a number... but its
It's not a price."
"You got us a free room? How??"
"The nice man at the front have it to me probably because I looked just so gosh darn cute." I said rolling my eyes.
"Wow. Wish I could get strangers to do that for me.." Jayme smiled
"Hmm I guess it is pretty cool." I smiled back feeling like I wasn't a total screw up.


The next morning we woke up ready to get the leader of our group.
"Ready to get this guy no matter the cost?" Jayme asked seeming to have read my mind.
"Hell yeah. I'll kidnap him if I have to."

We drove around the block to a small house. It was beautiful. Not what I had expected at all.
"Does he have a wife or something?" I asked Jayme. She looked in his file.
"Nope..." She responded
"Hmm.. then maybe he is just gay because I've seen a few bachelor pads and this is not one of them."
"You have done what??" Jayme looked at me like I had done a lot of sleeping around.
"Not like that sicko!!" I yelled back as I was getting out of the car.

I walked up the steps to his house and rang the door bell. It had a personalised tune.
"I hope he is not gay.. that will make this harder.." I thought as I heard him walk to the door.
"Hello Cole my name is Jocelyn could I talk to you for a few moments?"
Stunned that I knew his name he in invited me in.

"So who are you and how do you know my name?" Cole said trying not to sound confused and attempting to be more in control of the situation he continued "and I want you too tell me the truth right now."
"Yes of course" I laughed
"What's so funny?" He demanded.
"Oh nothing just it makes sense why you where chosen for this." I smiled and explained support group.

"So you expect me to just get up and leave my life? And on top of that go with a girl I just barely bet. You could be a stalker for all I know." He accused.
"Yup pretty much... about you leaving and all. But I am not a stalker. I didn't get all that info on you. And there is two girls." I giggled. That was becoming the ticket to get what I wanted from guys at this point. And there was no exception to it this time.

"Fine let me get my stuff together." He walked away shaking his head.
"Hmm I guess it is kinda like a super power.. I got mad skills! " I thought as he began packing while I sat on the edge of his bed.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice he was trying to ask me some thing.
"I'm sorry what did you ask?" I mumbled
"Um what it's that?" He questioned pointing to my thigh.
He was referring to the three butter fly knives and the tube of sleeping pills I had strapped there where they were barely notable.

"Plan B and C." I said forgetting that it was not normal to tell some one you would drug then or attack then with weapons outside if the academy.
"You were gonna kill me??" He took a step back stunned.
"Oh no just drug you and if you caught me you might get upset and I would need to protect my self." I said laughing.
"What the hell am I getting my self into..." He mumbled to himself continuing to pack.


Hey guys! Tell me what you think about this in the comments! <3

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