God and the Girl (@FadingGenes)

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God and the Girl

With his black hat and his grey tats

He sat perched atop this mess they'd created -

Humanity - "Oh, what a load of crap.

Plundered n' pillaged - their every desire sated.

And now look where we are."

With her doll clutched, and her hands tucked

Deep into her polka dot dress pockets,

She heard Him addressing the rubble n' didn't like it

"You don't know jack! You and your disappearing act

The universe doesn't wait around for your hat tricks.

You can't claim you didn't have a hand in all this."

Stunned into silence - slowly, it hit Him

And then like a train wreck - it was His doing

He'd left them unguided, at the mercy of desires

How could he expect them to rise any higher -

"Humanity - they were the true survivors."

A/N: In no way is this meant to disrespect any religious/spiritual beliefs. It was mainly inspired by a TV show called Supernatural that I'm a fan of. Today I was watching an episode whilst writing this poem - the gist of the plot was basically that 'God has left the building.' I found it a bit humorous and decided to make that the basis of my poem! 

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