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So here are the rules for our very first competition.

Must be an original Poem, written for this competition.

The Poem shall be no less than 8 lines and no more than 16 lines.

Any style of Poetry is accepted.

One Poem per competition, only.


Starts today on Tuesday,  July 21, 2015.

Closes at midnight on Friday, July 31, 2015.

Voting will continue until Wednesday, August 6, 2015.

Winner announced on Saturday, August 8, 2015.


There will be a panel of judges. Myself and Bella will be two of the judges and we will invite 3 others to be judges as well.

The winning entry will be judged on not only votes and comments, but by the judges consideration as well as the Poets involvement in the competition itself.

By this we mean an active participant in voting and commenting as well as responding to comments on their own Poem.

This is a friendly competition, but the top 3 poems will be featured in an ongoing collection of our Poetic Greatest hits.

So get the submissions in. The earlier the better.

And read and vote and comment. Your participation is very important.

And get your followers involved.

The more the merrier.

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