Chapter 4

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We pulled up to the airport, Jc said" okay, I change my mind I'm not gonna record, I might when we get home. But let's go find my friends Kenny and Shane." I nodded, Jc parked and got out, he picked me up, putting me on his back. We walked in and it was crowded, I tightened my grip around Jc's neck, he said" it's okay, I got you." I nodded, putting my head on his shoulder, we were waiting for Jc's friends, we couldn't find them anywhere! Jc's phone rang, he took one hand off my leg to answer it, he said" where are you guys at? Yeah, okay I'm on my way! Meet me." He hung up and said" okay,  Riley, we have to meet them, then we're gonna go to the mall and get food!" I nodded, Jc said" ok, I think I see them! Want down?" I nodded, Jc put me down, I grabbed his arm. I saw 2 people walking towards us, Jc said" Kenny! Shane!" The two boys started walking toward us, once they reached us, Jc hugged them, then one said" who's that?" I looked to Jc, who said" uh, Kenny, Shane, this is Riley, say hi!" He pointed to each guy while saying their name. Kenny said" hey, Riley, I'm Kenny." Shane said" hi, Riley, I'm Shane." I smiled. Jc said" hey Riley, go look at the window." I nodded, and walked off to the window. I looked at all the planes, flying off.
Jc's POV
I made sure Riley was at the window then turned to Kenny and Shane. I said" okay, Riley, we adopted her, yesterday, she's great, but she's a mute. She's easily scared, she's 10." Kenny said" how does she communicate?" I said" nods, shakes her head, points, pulls, pokes..." Shane said" so she just does physical stuff." I said" yeah. Riley! Baby, come here!" She ran back and tugged on my shirt back, I bent down and she climbed onto my back. I said" and this is her favorite transport." Kenny and Shane said" piggy back riding!" I nodded. Kenny laughed, Shane did Too. I said" ha.ha." Riley smiled. We left, once we got to the car, I put Riley in the seat and Shane sat up front with me while Kenny sat in the back with Riley. I said" where shall we go!" Kenny said" the mall, food court and shopping!" Riley smiled, I said" ok. Heading to the mall."
Riley's POV
We just parked at the mall, they got out and I tugged on Kenny's sleeve. He bent down and I got on his back, he carried me in and we went to the food court first because we were all hungry! There was so many foods to eat, I want Chinese! I pulled Kenny's ear, he said" yes, Riley?" I pointed to the Chinese, he said" Chinese." I nodded, Jc said" Chinese it is!" We ordered Chinese and ate, they talked about videos. Jc put a piece of broccoli on my noodles, I stuck my tongue out and scrunched up my nose in disgust. Shane and Kenny laughed, Jc said" try it!" I shook my head, he said" please, I'll do anything." I smiled and ate the broccoli, I gagged but swallowed, I glared at Jc, who smiled innocently at me. We finished eating and started shopping.
We went home, after a few hours of shopping.
It's 2:30, we left home at 10am, and we got home at 2:30pm. We sat in the living room, Kian and Jc came up to me, Kian said" Riley, you start school on Monday. We have everything for you and you'll be fine." I nodded, Trevor ran in screaming" board walk/ carnival is open! We are going!" I smiled, I looked at them with a giant smile, I've never been to a board walk! I wanna go! Kian said" let's go!" They decided to walk/ penny board, I was on Kian's back, Trevor was talking to me, he said" have you ever been to the beach?" I shook my head, then I jumped down from Kian's back and held Trevor's hand, he said" have you ever been to a carnival?" I shook my head, he said" have you ever had cotton candy?" I shook my head, he said" your so gonna have a sugar rush tonight!" I smiled, I got onto his back.
Once we got to the board walk, it was still light and it was warm out, Trevor said" let's go to the shore! Then at night we'll go to the carnival and board walk." I nodded, the guys followed us, we went to the shore and Trevor took off my shoes and placed them in my bag, everyone took off their shoes and put them in bags. Trevor put me down and took me to the water, he said" put your feet in it." The water came up to my feet, it was cold! I jumped back behind Trevor, they laughed. I smiled and looked at the water curiously! It was cold but entertaining. Ricky said" Riley! Look this way!" I looked at Ricky as he took a picture of me. I jumped onto Sam's back, he laughed and carried me around the sand. They were all either taking pictures or recording on their phones. Trevor and I were in the water, our feet and ankles getting wet by the waves, I smiled and Trevor picked me up and carried me out of the water, we all put our shoes on and we started walking to the board walk/ carnival.
Once we got to the boardwalk, I smiled as I saw carnival rides and games. I got off Trevor's back and pulled his hand and he followed with everyone else, there was a giant teddy bear. I smiled widely, the game was balloon dart, I looked at them with begging eyes, they gave in, Jc walked up to the game, he said" how many shots for the giant teddy?" The man said" 5." Jc said" I'll take a try." Then he paid money and then he darted 5 balloons. The man gave him the giant teddy. I smiled and jumped up and down. After that we got cotton candy, it was great! We ate popcorn and won prizes and rode rides for hours and hours.
It's midnight, we are just getting home and I was being carried normally by Kian. He laid me on my bed and tucked me in, I fell asleep.

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