Chapter 3.

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"Sam turn that fucking thing off!" Dean yelled from his room covering his head with a pillow.


"Sam!" Dean yelled again. The alarm went off and Dean rubbed his eyes. "Son of a bitch." Dean mumbled pulling the covers over his head.

"Come on Dean!" Sam yelled throwing pillows at his older brother. Dean lifted his head opening one of his eyes looking at the clock.

"Sam it's fucking 6:30 in the morning!" Dean yelled angrily sitting up.

"Well we have school today so get your lazy ass up!" Sam yelled and threw another pillow at Dean's head. With that Dean got up and threw his covers at Sam. Sam laughed loudly.


"Jerk!" Sam yelled and went into his room. Dean sighed and laid back down. First day of high school. Senior year. Come on Winchester last year of high school. Dean willed himself up. He ran into the bathroom and stripped he jumped into the shower and washed himself. Once he got out he wrapped a towel around his torso and brushed his teeth. He ran a comb through his hair and smiled in the mirror. He walked into his room and picked up a black tee. He slipped it on and pulled on a clean pair of boxers. He grabbed a pair of blue skinny jeans and black combat boots. He held his leather jacket and headed down the stairs.

"What's for breakfast Sammy?" Dean asked.

"Eggs and bacon. Dean can you quit calling me Sammy." Dean smiled at his brother.

"So your in high school and now your a big boy now? How adorable." Dean grinned as Sam stuck out his tongue.

"Such a jerk." Sam stated and handed his brother a plate.

"Such a bitch." Dean said in a mocking tone and dug in. After the boys finished Dean washed the plates and Sam packed his tools.

"Sam you only need a pen and a notebook. You don't need all that other stuff." Dean stated watching his brother stuff rulers and protractors into his back pack.

"You never know." Sam said. "What are you going to pack?"

"A pen and a notebook."

"That's it?" Dean nodded. Sam rolled his eyes and grabbed Dean back pack. He dumped a couple notebooks and rulers.

"I don't need all that shit." Dean said crossing his arms.

"Yes you do." He handed his brother his pack back and Sam put on his. Dean slung his back pack over his shoulder and grabbed his leather jacket. He fished the keys out the pocket and walked out to the car. "We're probably going to be late." Sam muttered.

"It's not like your going to die if your late." Dean slid into the drivers seat as Sam climbed into the passenger seat. Dean turned on the car. "Let's get a move on." And with that they took off to the school.


Dean's day consisted of being late to every class and being stared at by everyone. He always sat in the back and never raised his hand. If he was called on he would give out a funny comment then actually answering the question. He never really paid attention. He would hum to himself or draw random things on his notebook. Some of the time he would look up and gaze around the room, winking at the giggling girls or count the minutes until the bell rang. When the bell finally rang Dean grabbed his stuff and practically ran out of the classroom.

Lunchtime. Dean's favorite time of the day. He smiled and dumped his stuff in his locker and quickly rushed into the cafeteria. Dean's eyes scanned the lunch room looking for a seat. I could eat in my car. He thought to himself and shrugged it off. No way he was going to eat alone on the first day. He waited in line quietly and someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to find a familiar face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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