Chapter 2.

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Dean woke up early which was weird since the boy loved to sleep in late. He shrugged it off and looked around the room. Boxes and CDs were scattered around the floor. Dean made his way to the bathroom taking a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He started on breakfast when Sam came down the stairs. "Good morning Samantha how was your beauty sleep?" Dean smiled at his younger brother.

"Jerk." Sam stated and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Bitch." Dean replied and sat a plate off eggs and bacon in front of Sam and continued making his own plate. The two boys ate in silence until Dean spoke up. "So I gotta head to Rufus's auto shop to see if I could get that job. Did you want to come?"

"Can we get ice cream too?" Dean smiled and nodded. "Then yes." The boys finished eating and they put the dishes in the sink. Dean rushed to his room grabbing a pair of jeans and a white tee. He slipped on a pair of sneakers and grabbed the keys. The boys headed out the door and to the car. Dean whistled.

"Hello beautiful." He slid into the drivers seat and kissed the steering wheel. "Your a sight for sore eyes." Sam rolled his eyes as his older brother continued to talk to the car. Dean rolled down the windows and turned on the radio. Dean sang along as Sam laughed at him and decided to join him. They continued to sing until Dean parked in front of the auto shop. Dean and Sam got out of the car and headed into the shop. The first person Dean saw was Bobby and he pulled him into a hug.

"Boys this is Rufus." Bobby said pointing to a man behind the counter. Next to him was a women with brown hair. Dean furrowed his eye brows together seeing she looked familiar.

"Don't tell me you boys forgot about me already." The women said and Dean smiled.

"Ellen?" Dean hugged the brunette and she cupped his face.

"Dean Winchester look how much you've grown. How long has it been? 3 years?" She smiled and pulled him back into a hug. She let go of him and turned to the younger Winchester. "And Sam. My god you have grown to." She pulled Sam into a tight hug as well as Dean smiled. Dean turned to the man and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Rufus," Dean said and pulled his hand away from the man. Rufus smiled.

"Bobby here tells me he taught you everything he knows about cars and hell that's a lot. I don't do applications I have a test. If you pass it the jobs yours." Dean smiled and nodded. He followed Rufus into the garage until they stopped in front of a little yellow car. "A customer of mine she's having trouble with her car. Fix it and the jobs yours. She'll be stopping by later tonight."

Dean shook his head. "I can't today. Promised Sammy I'd take him for ice cream and catch up."

"Boy don't be foolish I'll take care of him for a couple of hours." Ellen said and hugged Sam again. Sam smiled and gave his brother a thumbs up.

"It's cool Dean." Sam said grinning at Dean. Ellen talked with Sam as Dean followed Bobby and Rufus.

The trio reached a tiny yellow car with the hood popped up. Dean looked around the car and into the engine. "I'll give you a couple hours." Rufus said heading back into the shop.

"You think it's something you can handle?" Bobby asked looking over at the older Winchester. Dean smiled widely.

"Yea Bobby. Thanks for giving me a chance." Bobby patted Dean's back and left the garage. Dean turned on the radio and started working on the engine. The garage started to heat up and he slid off his shirt tucking it in his jeans. He jammed out and continued for hours without even noticing. He pulled away from the car and rubbed his face leaving grease stains. He smiled happily and slid into the drivers seat and turned on the engine. The car purred to life and he whooped. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and smiled to himself.

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