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" Caspian isn't like them" I said softly.

Chad and I were walking back towards town to the real estate office, not a word had been spoken for over ten minutes, the wind had began to pick up and it blew my hair across my face shutting up the view of the perfect little cottages that made up this part of town.

" Like who?" Chad said skipping his feet to catch up to me.

" Like other Sirens" I replied

" How so?" Chad questioned, " He's one of them I know that much. "

" Yes, but he isn't a killer"

" That's kind of what a Siren is, they attract sailors so that they can kill and eat them Ty"

" No, every Siren is claimed, the first born changes within the first year of their life, the second born changes at eighteen and up until then shows behaviours of good and evil. The third is changed within the first year too and so on. Caspian is neutral at the moment, until his eighteenth birthday. "

" and what if he turns on you?"

" Don't you understand love?" I asked a bit too sharply, then immediately wished I hadn't.

" More then you know " He said quietly.

I bit my lip and focused on putting one foot in front of the other.

It was another ten minutes of silence before we got to the real estate office and Chad finally spoke.

" So do you know what to ask them"

" Yes" I replied, walking in through the door and up to the desk.

" How may I help you?" Asked the lady behind the desk in a bored voice. Her eyes were dark and her nose held a pair of sharp looking glasses over her thin expressionless lips.

" We just wondered if you knew if anyone named Hunter Olson has purchased a property recently?" I asked.

" That information is classified " The woman replied, Chad reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bank notes, Chad using bribery wasn't the only thing that shocked me, it was the fact that he had so much money, where did he get it from.

The woman glanced around the office to make sure nobody was around before she turned and grabbed the money, she pressed a few keys on here computer before answering.

" Yes, 227 Westlake Street" She replied quickly, then she bid us goodbye and we set off once again.

We arrived at the house just as the sun sank below the horizon, I prayed that it was the right place because there was no way we could keep looking if it got dark and all shops closed.

The house was small and tucked away behind a fur hedge, it was painted white with a brown roof and three small windows in the side. It had a neatly mown lawn and a crescent shaped garden bordered by wall flowers and in the middle of the lawn stood a young apple tree. Set into the fur hedge was a small white gate which I pushed open and walked down the concrete path to the front door.

I took a long deep breath and knocked on the door six times.


I waited, then knocked another six times.

The door swung open and for the first time in about four months I saw the face of the man I had fallen in love with at fourteen. But boy had he changed.

Hunter's hair had grown out, still flipped around his face like a halo of blonde it now rested on his shoulders. His face was now covered at the bottom half by a dirty blonde beard. His face was dirty like he hadn't washed for a while and that's how he smelt. He wore baggy jeans and a blue and green plaid shirt with the top two bottoms undone showing light brown hair . His jeans were ripped at the knees and stained on the right leg.

He just stood and stared.

" Hunter?" I half asked.

" T-Tylah" He said, his voice was deeper and raspier.

I smiled.

" Yes its me" I said.

He reached out a hand hesitantly to touch my cheek, his hands were warm yet rough and they sent prickles across my skin.

" You're real" He stated softly.

" Yes I am, So is Chad you can punch him if you're not sure" I said , in an effort to break Hunters glassy stare. An effort that didn't work, he continued to stare at me like I was an alien telling him he was going to marry Jennifer Lawrence.

" Seriously bro, can we come in already?" Chad asked from behind me, where I could hear him awkwardly tapping his feet.

" Yeah" Hunter replied, he stepped aside still looking completely out of it, to let us pass.

I walked into the house and was hit immediately by the stench of neglect.

" Hunter do you even clean mate?" Chad said, kicking aside an empty can of beer and what once was a T-shirt.

" Sorry" Hunter replied shortly.

" I swear to god if you don't snap out of it Hunter I will get Ty to slap you, you don't want me to do that believe me. " Chad threatened, turning to face Hunter.

"Ok" Hunter said slowly.

" That does it" Chad said, he turned to me, " Ty, please slap the guy for me "

I nodded but instead I went up to Hunter and shook him roughly. He pushed me back slowly and blinked at me.

" Tylah?" He asked.

" Here we go again" Chad said.

But Hunter just looked at me for a long moment before he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close, he was warmer then I remembered and even in his unwashed state his touch calmed me.

We stood like that for a long moment, I just enjoyed the feeling of his embrace until he pulled back and asked,

" Wait why are you guys here?"

" I had to come and find you" I said. I had no idea how I was going to tell him I was pregnant and it was his child, especially when he was in this state but I had to, I had dragged Chad all this way to tell him and this child needed him in its life. I reckoned I was about four months pregnant and if I looked at my stomach it really should have been obvious. But he hadn't picked up on anything and neither had Chad so it couldn't be showing that much.

" Um-" I started but the words stuck in my throat.

" We came to talk to you," Chad explained for me, " It's kind of urgent."

" Well what is it?" Hunter asked

" I'm pregnant.... w-with your child" I said, looking up into his muted blue-green eyes.

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