An Eye for an Eye A Life for a Life.

544 18 6

I stared at the sea blankly, without really seeing anything. My mind was playing Caspians's words over and over.

" I killed your child "

My hands rested on my stomach, imagining the little life that was inside me... Was.

I felt broken, like any mother would who just lost their child. Inside me felt empty somehow, maybe my subconscious had known all along that there was a life growing inside me.

I didn't try to stop the tears that began to slip out of my eyes. The first fell through the air and sank under the suddenly grey sea.

I sat down on the moss and drew my knees to my chest, the empty numb feeling was spreading through my entire body.

A cold hand rested on my shoulder.

I turned around to face Levi, his board shorts dripping on the moss. He looked down at me kindly, then he shifted over and sat beside me wrapping his arms around me. He put his arm around me which actually chilled me but I didn't mind it made me feel safe against the harsh wind. The sea was now a dark grey, the waves broke over each other and licked at the sides of the rock.

" The Oceans angry" Levi whispered.

" Angry?" I questioned.

" Yes, Caspian's doing" He shook his head.

" Caspian?" I asked confused. Levi looked confused for a second then an understanding look came over his face.

" Nothing" he said quickly.

" Tell me!"

" That is Caspian's choice, not mine" He said calmly. I sighed. How was I going to get back to Lintin in this storm?


Levi had stayed sitting with me for at least two hours while the sea raged around us, the waves were so big now that they spayed us with chilling spray, roaring and screaming at us. Suddenly Levi stood up and turned to the sky.

" Where are you going?" I asked. Gazing up at him.

" WE, are going to find my brother" He said firmly, " Turn around"

I turned to face the sea, and listened expecting the splash of him hitting the waves, I didn't want to swim in there but instead I heard a quiet flapping sound, right before huge sharp talons wrapped around my waist. I gasped as my feet left the mossy ground and I watched it grow smaller under me. I hated flying, I gulped as I left my stomach on the moss below me. I looked up at Levi... He still had his own face, but his body was that of a huge white eagle.

" What the hell are you!" I yelled against the gusting wind. Levi just smiled and flew faster. It felt amazing to rush trough the air and feel so free.

After what only felt like minutes we arrived at a sheer bank of cliffs that stuck out of the water straight into the air in a circle shape. There were caves and crevices everywhere. We alighted on a ledge near the top and I carefully slid off onto the rock face. The ledge was barely big enough to accommodate us both, Levi ran inside leaving me outside, I slowly followed him and found him inside wearing a t shirt and black shorts in boy form, He walked out again silently, and grabbed my hand hauling me onto his back.

" Hold on tight" He said. Then he let my hand go and began to climb straight up the sheer cliff face, I looked down at the raging sea and the tiny rocks that stuck out at menacing angles. A light grey eagle landed on the top of the cliff and seemed to literally shake his feathers off into a man.

" Levi, food?" He said cocking his head to one side still displaying bird behavior.

" NO!" Levi half yelled defiantly.

We got to the top and Levi stood confidently in the tiny flat area on the top which was only big enough for one person.

" Don't scream!" he said. I felt softness under me... Feathers.

" Wha-" I started but then he dived headfirst off the cliff down into the centre, wings at his sides, streamlined. I felt the air rushing past my face. I could see the sea churning worse then outside the circle. There were caves in every possible space on the walls of this well of sorts. Suddenly he stuck his wings out and began flying level straight in trough the entrance to a dimly lit cave near the bottom.

The walls were covered in objects from places I'd never visited. Seaweed and salt were scattered everywhere and the furniture was minimal, a table, bed, rug, and chair. Levi shook his head and marched over to the wall, and muttered something. Then the wall cracked and split revealing a second room. Full of carvings and bits and bobs. On the ground in the middle sat Caspian, head bent, shoulders slumped.

" Caspian?" I asked softly.

" Why are you here?" he asked brokenly.

" Because I brought her here" Levi spoke.

" Leave" Caspian said.

" No" Levi said, standing tenser then before.

" Leave" Caspian repeated.

" You have to help her!" Levi said in a shocked tone.

" I can't " He said almost too quiet to hear.

" Then at least do something about what you did" Levi said still calm.

" I can't " He looked up his eyes were empty and his face full of sorrow.

" Why not?"

" I brought Tylah back, I almost killed her and I don't know how, but I brought her back.. You know what happens if I do it again" He said solomly. Levi went silent.

" What happens?" I asked Caspian.

" I die"

Thanks for 300 veiws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats insane! I only expected like two people to read this so 300 is freakin crazy!!!  I'm hope I made at least one person smile and if so Mission Accomplished..... Also I apolygize for the slow update, I've been in hospital for a a couple of weeks but will hopefully get ack to regular soon enough!!  Love you all xxxx

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