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I got up from the table and dropped my plate in the kitchen. I scoffed as I passed some juniors who must only have been about seven, they were talking excitedly about the people who were visting the orphanage today. I had given up all hope of being adopted after I turned thirteen. Someone yanked my arm from behind.

" Wait up Egghead" Said Chad, he chucked his plate agressivly into the sink, luckily it didn't shatter.

" Jeez, I swear your trying to get into trouble" I sighed. he didn't let go of my arm so I dragged him outside to the front lawn. Most of the children spent their time outside. The garden was huge and full of trees and flowers. About a year ago Justin, Chad, Gina and I had built a huge hut in one of the bigger trees at the bottom of the garden. I dragged Chad down to the hut. We spent most of our time there, it was where we kept all of our secret things. We had books that we had takan and a stass of sweets and lollies, we had a ladder and a bucket. We had a watch we had stole from Mrs Gregson a few years ago, and a vast array of other things we wern't supposed to have. The tree we had built it in was hidden in a clump of trees and although other kids knew about it we were the only ones who knew how to climb it. The tree was impossible to climb unless you knew how. We got to the tree and Chad quickly scrambled up the side holding onto the branches. I followed close behind and got into the hut. It was small but was almost big enough to pass for a room. I sat down on a makeshift chair and reached into one of the boxes to get a handfull of jelly beans.

" The little kids were excited this morning" I commented kicking a twig across the hut.

" Yeah, some people coming this afternoon. No biggy" He replied sighing. It annoyed me that he was closer to being free then me.

" Gosh I can't wait to be rid of this place" I sighed, I think out of the teenage orphans I was the one who wanted to be out of here the most.

" yeah same, I'm just scared of what will happen when I turn eighteen. Like what am I going to do when I have to live alone and get a job and stuff"

" I'll follow soon, you just had to be older huh" I laughed. I got up and went to gaze out the window. There wasn't much of a view because the trees blocked most of it but we could see the orphanage and a bit of the surronding country. Outside the orphange the hills spread as far as the eye could see. They were green and dotted with trees. There is an old saying that goes " The grass is always greener on the other side" and that was definatly true. The grass did seem greener and it looked so free. I sometimes imagined what it would be like to just run away but I knew it was only another year and a few months until I was out of here. I looked up at the orphanage, there was a car outside and I heard Mr Hilman the Headmaster annoucing for everyone to gather in the front.

" We should go" I said stepping down from the window.

" Nah, we're not gonna be picked Ty" He replied

" I know, but I'm already in trouble today, I don't need more" I said trying to pull him out.

" For what?" He asked curiously. I didn't want to tell him even through he had caught me and Hunter in bed more times then Mrs Gregson had.

" Hunter was in my room last night" I replied shiftily.

" Ooh getting dat sexy on" Chad said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I punched his arm and gave him a warning look.

" I'm still a virgin you buttface" I retorted.

" Yeah, but you know he wants it" He said grinning.

" Not until I'm out of here and I know I'm not gonna be in a different city to him" I replied

" Fine fine, I'm sorry" He chuckled. then he got up and reluctantly followed me down the tree. We trudged up the hill and sprinted into the building. It was completly empty and I felt a sinking feeling. I was so dead. I dragged Chad out to the front and went to join Hunter in the front of the crowd. Mr Hilman was in front of everyone facing us, he was organizing us before the people came in. When he had organized the whole mob of kids into neat lines he motioned the man in the door and he brought out the two people. The man was tall and plump, he had a round kind face and a big smile. The woman was tall as well and very beautiful, she wore fancy clothes and smiled a big smile. They came to stand up the front beside Mr Hilman. Mr Hilman explained to them the " chosing process". They came up and started scanning the lines. The older children were put at the back, we were told it was because we were taller but in reality it was because we were most likely not even going to be noticed. But this time was different the woman came up to the very back line which was Me, Hunter, Gina, Chad, Justin, Lee, and Mia - a thirteen year old-. The woman approched us and started talking to Hunter. When she had finsihed she moved onto me.

" Hello, Whats your name?" She asked.

" Tylah" I replied shyly.

" And how old are you dear?" She pressed.

" I'm sixteen" I told her. She questioned me a bit more on general things I could do and interests and then moved on to Gina.

" Looks like someone is intrested" Hunter said nudging me.

" Maybe, don't get your hopes up" I joked.

" I don't want you gone" Hunter said looking hurt.

" I was joking" I said, kissing him quickly.

" Tylah please no PDA" Said Mr Hilman as he walked past. I blushed and mumbled " sorry"

When the couple had finally talked to everyone they wanted to, they returned to Mr Hilman. He asked them who they had chosen.

" That girl at the back next to the tall boy" She said pointing directly at me. I couldn't breathe. I could be finally getting my ticket out.

" Tylah?" Mr Hilman said, looking at me questioningly.

" No not her" Said the woman. My heart sank. " Her" Said the woman going over and grabbing Jasmine - a ten year old with blonde pigtails- and pulling her to the front. Jasmine was grinning happily.

" Lets go" I mumbled and walked back inside before anyone could notice. Hunter put his arm around me and squeezed me. It was his way of saying it was ok. It had happened to him before so he understood how it felt. I smiled, It was ok. I guess I kinda had double personalities because in a way I didn't want to leave and have to leave my friends so I let it go and went outside to play football with the juniors.

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